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Bitching to bitch...

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  • #31
    The coil actually looks pretty clean.

    It looks like this.

    Pretty much exactly the same, same rusty look on the edges too.


    • #32
      Originally posted by Skidmark View Post
      The coil actually looks pretty clean.

      It looks like this.

      Pretty much exactly the same, same rusty look on the edges too.
      I think your coil has rabies!
      Originally posted by Cmarsh93z
      Don't Fuck with DFWmustangs...the most powerfull gang I have ever been a member of.


      • #33
        Originally posted by Skidmark View Post
        He was stuck in a rut since he couldn't afford the bills himself with his part time job, so I ended up moving in and found another friend to move in. Cool, now he has money to pay the bills and what not! I'm not real sure where the money is going since the water got turned off last week due to non-payment? Seems that a lot of things around the house are breaking, but he doesn't want to fix them and doesn't seem to want to reach out to his dad who is the home owner. Maybe he is trying to show he can do it himself? I don't know, but the fan in the bathroom doesn't work, the garage door opener doesn't work, the stove only has one burner that works and it only works on OMG hot.

        Well, we've had some issues with the AC lately, the lines keep freezing over. Maybe it was because we had it set to low, at about 72-73. It froze over a few times last month and we had to turn it off for the better part of the day so it would unfreeze. I think it happened 3 or 4 times last month.

        This time, the AC has been off for FOUR mother fucking days and we've had it set at 77, so I really doubt it's freezing over due to being set too cold. My other roommate finally made him call his dad on Sunday to see what to do and he told him to use the insurance they have for breakage. Since yesterday was Memorial day it wasn't going to happen, so I heard that they were coming today. 4:30 hits... nothing... I call the A/C company and they said it was scheduled for tomorrow, sweet FIVE days without AC.

        I don't understand why people just can't take care of the shit they are suppose to be taking care of.

        :: ventures to ::
        Not sure where the money is going huh? He came from san marcos, he is spending it on drugs. A/C freezing over might be because it's low on freon.


        • #34
          Originally posted by Skidmark View Post
          hey! whad up Paulskid


          • #35
            Didn't you post up this guy's situation before and everyone told you to RUN? Not trying to flame, I honestly don't recall if it was you.

            You live and learn. Did you sign a lease with him, or is it just an informal agreement?


            • #36
              Originally posted by hotrod66stang View Post
              Didn't you post up this guy's situation before and everyone told you to RUN? Not trying to flame, I honestly don't recall if it was you.

              You live and learn. Did you sign a lease with him, or is it just an informal agreement?
              I've had some interesting roommates in the past! I've lived with this guy probably 4 months now.


              The only thing that sucks is the rent is pretty cheap here, but I guess you get what you pay for.


              • #37
                Why is Skidmark hacking people? Lol
                Check your self bro , you're not that cool.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by 4eyedwillie View Post
                  When was the filter changed last? It's probablt one of three things:
                  1 clogged filter
                  2 dirty coil
                  3 low on refrigerant ( leak somewhere)

                  homeowners insurance won't pay for any of those. a home warranty MIGHT pay for a leak but not clogged filter or dirty coil. Those are poor maintanance.
                  ding ding ding
                  Ring and pinion specialist


                  • #39
                    AC dude finally came out and he said the compressor needs replacing. Earliest it will be fixed it Friday. Score, 7 days with no AC!


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Skidmark View Post
                      AC dude finally came out and he said the compressor needs replacing. Earliest it will be fixed it Friday. Score, 7 days with no AC!
                      Go sleep at the chicks house that posted on your FB. Bang her while your at it. Unless she's family... then call me.


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Skidmark View Post
                        AC dude finally came out and he said the compressor needs replacing. Earliest it will be fixed it Friday. Score, 7 days with no AC!
                        I will be out of town next week so if it isn't working by then, the house is yours!
                        Originally posted by Cmarsh93z
                        Don't Fuck with DFWmustangs...the most powerfull gang I have ever been a member of.


                        • #42
                          [QUOTE=Skidmark;269152]AC dude finally came out and he said the compressor needs replacing. Earliest it will be fixed it Friday. Score, 7 days with no AC![/QUOT

                          But it's working good enough to freeze the coil???? YEAH RIGHT!!!!!


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by Cmarsh93z
                            Don't Fuck with DFWmustangs...the most powerfull gang I have ever been a member of.


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by aCid View Post
                              Go sleep at the chicks house that posted on your FB. Bang her while your at it. Unless she's family... then call me.
                              That's my buddies girl who is in Afgan, I couldn't do that! But she has some hot friends

                              Originally posted by 347Mike View Post
                              I will be out of town next week so if it isn't working by then, the house is yours!
                              Score! I sure as fuck hope it's fixed by then though. I guess on the bright side, when I go outside now, I don't sweat.

                              Originally posted by Skidmark View Post
                              AC dude finally came out and he said the compressor needs replacing. Earliest it will be fixed it Friday. Score, 7 days with no AC![/QUOT

                              But it's working good enough to freeze the coil???? YEAH RIGHT!!!!!
                              I duno. It wasn't frozen when I opened it up. I just know that previously, if we turned it off for a few hours, when we turned it back on it would work.


                              • #45
                                Why not talk to him and ask him what the hell his problem is and why he is letting things go to hell? Explain you're out the door if he does not get it straightened out with a quickness.
                                Originally posted by MR EDD
                                U defend him who use's racial slurs like hes drinking water.

