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Dont pick on the fat guy

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  • #76
    Originally posted by GrayStangGT View Post
    Some one needs to add some mortal combat Flawless Victory at the end
    .223 > 911


    • #77
      Originally posted by Raskal View Post
      Was this at L.D bell? in like 01 or something like that? I went there the year before but was at Marcus when the story broke and remember hearing it.
      Yep. Same kid. I live with his brother. He got completely fucked over by a bullshit zero tolerance policy for helping his grandma move and forgetting a bread knife in the bed of his truck with no sharp part on it. He's a tour guide in East Asia right now.
      "Any dog under 50lbs is a cat and cats are pointless." - Ron Swanson


      • #78
        Originally posted by jdgregory84 View Post
        Yep. Same kid. I live with his brother. He got completely fucked over by a bullshit zero tolerance policy for helping his grandma move and forgetting a bread knife in the bed of his truck with no sharp part on it. He's a tour guide in East Asia right now.
        Knew a redneck kid who got in a shit-load of trouble in highschool for having empty shotgun shell casings in the bed of his pick-up. No gun, the shells were empty and old as shit, but they fucked him anyways.
        .223 > 911


        • #79
          That little kid had it coming.

          MySpace Tracker


          • #80


            • #81
              Originally posted by PandaBear View Post
              I saw on the news this morning that they were going to have an interview with the little shit that started it.


              • #82
                Originally posted by Jimbo View Post
                I saw on the news this morning that they were going to have an interview with the little shit that started it.
                The smaller kid was on the Today show this morning stating he was bullied first. Nobody in this interview nor the Australian interview he did before believe his story.

                I just get a kick out of watching them replay the video over and over.

                Schoolyard justice served.


                • #83
                  Originally posted by Sean88gt View Post
                  And I'd be willing to bet that if you were attacked and fought back in a bar in Dallas that you would be arrested as well.
                  Not if you know the bouncers....

                  I hope that little kid had both legs broke, I hate bullies.


                  • #84
                    The recipient of the ass kicking speaks.


                    • #85
                      So, he's just a punk ass kid who got his ass kicked. The media should just let it go, they are not helping anyone.
                      Originally posted by MR EDD
                      U defend him who use's racial slurs like hes drinking water.


                      • #86
                        Originally posted by ceyko View Post
                        So, he's just a punk ass kid who got his ass kicked. The media should just let it go, they are not helping anyone.
                        Apparently all of these people who are making a big deal of this never had childhoods. I can't even count the amount of fights that I've seen, but somehow when you have a video of it, they just can't let it die.

                        Children will be children. They will fight, they will talk shit to each other, they will try to determine their standings in their society.

