I am using Torque Pro with a bluetooth OBDII reader. Not that that changes the question but the picture below is the issue.
So when checking the readiness of a car with this app it has an area where it shows all the sensors and says Complete, Incomplete or Not Available. The issue I am having is that all the sensors show Not Available except 3. Fuel Systems shows Complete, Components shows Complete and System Type says Spark. Everything else says Not Available. The picture below is not from the car I mean just a reference so you can see the screen I am referring to. (Emissions Readiness s/DTC)
The main reason I am looking into it is because the car has an obvious misfire under load and I was trying to find out which cylinder/s was causing the issue. The check engine light comes on for the no cats but the misfire sensor is not available to check it. Any ideas what would cause sensors to not be available to read from the OBDII. I have also tested it on another hand held scanner and the sensors still not there. Car in question is an 04 Mach. Any ideas on how to fix the issue?

Sorry for the big picture and the long post.
So when checking the readiness of a car with this app it has an area where it shows all the sensors and says Complete, Incomplete or Not Available. The issue I am having is that all the sensors show Not Available except 3. Fuel Systems shows Complete, Components shows Complete and System Type says Spark. Everything else says Not Available. The picture below is not from the car I mean just a reference so you can see the screen I am referring to. (Emissions Readiness s/DTC)
The main reason I am looking into it is because the car has an obvious misfire under load and I was trying to find out which cylinder/s was causing the issue. The check engine light comes on for the no cats but the misfire sensor is not available to check it. Any ideas what would cause sensors to not be available to read from the OBDII. I have also tested it on another hand held scanner and the sensors still not there. Car in question is an 04 Mach. Any ideas on how to fix the issue?
Sorry for the big picture and the long post.