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Woman problems

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  • mine's 31 and never did anything like that, been together 5 years.

    get out bro.


    • Reading that her dog gets,the bed and your dog had to go screams you created this fucking monster. Man up or continue down this road of being her personal punching bag.

      Also Pms is just a reason to be a cunt and get away with it. Wife gets to tripping I tell her to go to her room and leave me and the kids out of your hormone induced fit.

      Sent from my C6916 using Tapatalk
      Non tapatalk Sig so the butt hurt va-JJs can stop crying about not being able to turn it off.


      • She will sleep in the bed with me but her dog has to be in the bed also. I told her fuck no so she has been sleeping in my daughters room. I don't want that nasty ass shedding rat in the bed.
        "Yeeeeehhhhhaaaaawwwww that's my jam"


        • "Probability is like gravity, you cannot escape it, the odds catch up". Have a plan for an out or very soon we'll all be reading a thread like the other where she's disappeared with your kid/kids. Protect yourself bro.
          The richest man in Babylon


          • Originally posted by Country cracker View Post
            She will sleep in the bed with me but her dog has to be in the bed also. I told her fuck no so she has been sleeping in my daughters room. I don't want that nasty ass shedding rat in the bed.

            That is childish and ridiculous on her part. How old is this woman, 19? She needs to grow the fuck up and stop throwing little tantrums.


            • Yeah times 47 on the protection part. Start liquidating shit and sell to a buddy cheap with the option of geting it all back when the dust settles. Once procedures start then all gets frozen.

              I've never been thru a divorce but at the first sign of trouble that's what I'd do.

              Sent from my C6916 using Tapatalk
              Non tapatalk Sig so the butt hurt va-JJs can stop crying about not being able to turn it off.


              • Originally posted by Rick Modena View Post
                One thing for sure that the OP doesn't understand is that bitches need us, just as we need them. My wife doesn't know how to change the oil, rotate her tires, do a brake job, remove her transmission and replace a stupid ass module without costing a fortune.

                My wife decided to leave me at the end of last year, after 27 years together. Since I am a nice guy I signed the title of our "good" car - a 2007 ford focus over to her with instructions on how to take care of it, including adding power steering fluid once a month because there is a small power steering leak that is a bitch to access to fix (it is the return line that is leaking) and I just never had gotten around to it. I even gave her a brand new quart of ATF to put in it as it needed fluid.

                She texted me recently telling me that the power steering pump was making noise but it was full of fluid. Reading between the lines I believe she forgot about the pump leaking and let it run dry and it started making noise, the noise reminded her to fill it up but it's too late now and the pump burned up.

                This is a car with < 100k miles on it; it's reliable, it's in great shape, it gets ~29 mpg, and it's paid off. It's economical and perfect for what she needs right now.

                So, instead of understanding that it's just a machine and machines need fixing from time to time - she decided to trade it in on a new leased car. Now she has a car payment that she'll never be rid of, and a car that she'll never own over a rash decision about a minor mechanical issue. And she ain't making that much money either. I believe that she just wanted a new car and she found a reason to get one.

                If we would have still been together it would have been a non issue and I would have had it fixed pronto.

                Meanwhile, I still drive an old decrepit jeep cherokee sport with 200k miles on it that she totaled and I fixed because I can't afford a car payment right now, and the jeep is long paid for. I anticipate her calling me with money woes in the future.


                • I can't wait for the update, when she turns 40 lol.


                  • Originally posted by 351Coupe View Post
                    Exactly what happened to me. But also as you said in an earlier post, now I'm wondering why the hell I put up with shot for so long. I'm much happier now.
                    This is so true. My first (ex)wife would go look for it - caused me all sorts of hell. She got into a drama match with our backyard neighbor - who worked with my mom - it was not cool. We both lived on corner lots - and she would occasionally park her vw bug partialy on the grass - on her side of the property line. My wife took great offense to that and called the city to complain until they issued her a citation. Also at the same time her dog would bark at night and she called the city and raised hell about that - got her another citation - and then these magazines started showing up with my (ex)wife's name - so my (ex)wife concludes it's our backyard neighbor getting revenge. So she tries to press charges with DA - I was mystified at the amount of full throttle drama that was going on. She got mad at me for not 'standing up for her'


                    • Holy fuck why do yall put up with this shit!?!

                      I have been with my old lady 14 years, our 12 year wedding anniversary is Wednesday. In those 14 years we have never raised our voices at each other, hell I can count on one hand how many times we have even argued.
                      Life is too fucking short man!!


                      • Originally posted by Chopped54 View Post
                        Holy fuck why do yall put up with this shit!?!

                        I have been with my old lady 14 years, our 12 year wedding anniversary is Wednesday. In those 14 years we have never raised our voices at each other, hell I can count on one hand how many times we have even argued.
                        Life is too fucking short man!!
                        After my first marriage, I learned ONLY fight the battles you can't afford to loose. If I can give her her way without it costing us anything, I will. At the same time, if I know she is wrong I will let her find out herself if she won't listen to me at first. She knows by now, that if I am sticking to something, then it must be important and therefore she trusts me that I am right.

                        It also helps that I am halfway around the world. But that causes its own problems.
                        Fuck you. We're going to Costco.


                        • Originally posted by Country cracker View Post
                          She will sleep in the bed with me but her dog has to be in the bed also. I told her fuck no so she has been sleeping in my daughters room. I don't want that nasty ass shedding rat in the bed.
                          kill the dog and tell her if she doesnt straighten up shes next?

                          EDIT: this COULD be partially to blame for my recent divorce. your mileage may vary.

                          god bless.
                          It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men -Frederick Douglass

