Sitting at a red light in the Straight/Left turn lane, when the dumb bitch in front of me (early 20's) decides she doesn't want to be in that lane. She puts her car in reverse, and starts backing up so I lay on the horn. I have a car behind me so I can't back up to get out of the way. I'm still laying on the horn as she backs right into me. I was literally on the horn for 2-3 seconds before she made contact!!
I get out, she gets out and this is the conversation:
Her: Did I hit you?
Me: Seriously? Yes you hit me.
Me: Do you not know how to use your mirrors?
Her: points to her drivers side mirror and says, it's broken.
Me: looks like your rear view and passenger side mirrors work.
Her: I don't hardly use those.
Me: I guess your head doesn't turn and your ears don't work either. Did you not hear my horn?
I didn't know who was honking or why...
At this point, she starts digging through what looks like 3 weeks worth of dirty close and trash to find her insurance info.
I'm convinced people are getting dumber and dumber with each passing generation.
Not much damage, just scuffs really. You can see the outline of my fog light recess in her bumper.
If I file on her insurance, it will show an accident on my vehicle. With as little damage as there is, not sure I want to go that route.
What do you all think?

I get out, she gets out and this is the conversation:
Her: Did I hit you?
Me: Seriously? Yes you hit me.
Me: Do you not know how to use your mirrors?
Her: points to her drivers side mirror and says, it's broken.
Me: looks like your rear view and passenger side mirrors work.
Her: I don't hardly use those.
Me: I guess your head doesn't turn and your ears don't work either. Did you not hear my horn?
I didn't know who was honking or why...
At this point, she starts digging through what looks like 3 weeks worth of dirty close and trash to find her insurance info.
I'm convinced people are getting dumber and dumber with each passing generation.
Not much damage, just scuffs really. You can see the outline of my fog light recess in her bumper.
If I file on her insurance, it will show an accident on my vehicle. With as little damage as there is, not sure I want to go that route.
What do you all think?
