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With the new 5.0's putting down 400wheel,

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Vertnut View Post
    I lived it and owned many "muscle cars" from the '60's/'70's, and I've always said this new stuff (beginning in the late '80's) would kill any of those in every form or fashion. Ever see how many G's a '67/'68 GT500 will pull on a skid-pad? How about braking? Trust me...they were/are horrendous. Many of those SS396's and 454's couldn't break into the 14's.
    I assume that when they were newer and working somewhat properly, they were tolerable, but I drove mine TWICE before deeming it unsafe and put it on jackstands.
    "If I asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses." - Henry Ford


    • #17
      My stock Mazda 4-banger turbo puts down more than all of those minus maybe the GT500KR O.o


      • #18
        Originally posted by Crownline79 View Post
        Didn't the leaded fuel back then allow for more HP? Or maybe it was just they had higher octane?
        Both. When I started driving (mid-'70's) you could get leaded regular/leaded premium/ unleaded. Premium was commonly 98 octane (sometimes 100 or 102 if you could find it). In '75, the gas fill tubes on cars were a lot smaller, and the leaded pump handle wouldn't fit in them. Of course we aleviated that problem rather quickly with tin snips...really.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Baron View Post
          I assume that when they were newer and working somewhat properly, they were tolerable, but I drove mine TWICE before deeming it unsafe and put it on jackstands.
          We didn't know any better. Ignorance is bliss I guess.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Ratt View Post
            My stock Mazda 4-banger turbo puts down more than all of those minus maybe the GT500KR O.o
            And would probably whip it's comfort.


            • #21
              You guys know I've always loved the old stuff, but with very few exceptions, it is SLOW and it's also JUNK - rattles, leaks, spooky suspension and alignment, noisy, and stinky. Yes I still love that old stuff but my new car is pretty flippin sweet.
              When the government pays, the government controls.


              • #22
                I really want a 5.0.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by 46Tbird View Post
                  You guys know I've always loved the old stuff, but with very few exceptions, it is SLOW and it's also JUNK. Rattles, leaks, spooky suspension and alignment, noisy, and stinky. Yes I still love that old stuff but my new car is pretty flippin sweet.
                  Your new car would have beaten the piss out of the fastest car at my school, not to mention probably the bikes too. I can't imagine the trim that car would have lured in back in '78! LOL!


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Vertnut View Post
                    We didn't know any better. Ignorance is bliss I guess.
                    Shit, when I was a kid I don't ever recall being in a car seat, or wearing a seat belt for that matter!


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by yellowstang View Post
                      Shit, when I was a kid I don't ever recall being in a car seat, or wearing a seat belt for that matter!
                      LOL! Hell, my sisters and I would stand up next to my mom when she was driving! She'd hit somebody and we'd bounce around the car like ping-pong balls, go by the doc and get stitches, and go to the house. It's amazing we've all survived as long as we have!


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Craizie View Post
                        I really want a 5.0.
                        You and me both, my friend.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Vertnut View Post
                          LOL! Hell, my sisters and I would stand up next to my mom when she was driving! She'd hit somebody and we'd bounce around the car like ping-pong balls, go by the doc and get stitches, and go to the house. It's amazing we've all survived as long as we have!
                          seat belts. Mine has optional shoulder belts. Seperate from the lap belt, seperate buckle.
                          "If I asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses." - Henry Ford


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Baron View Post
                            seat belts. Mine has optional shoulder belts. Seperate from the lap belt, seperate buckle.
                            We were riding in a '66 Caprice. It had lap-belts, but were never used.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by vertnut View Post
                              lol! Hell, my sisters and i would stand up next to my mom when she was driving! She'd hit somebody and we'd bounce around the car like ping-pong balls, go by the doc and get stitches, and go to the house. It's amazing we've all survived as long as we have!


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Pro88LX View Post
                                Those "padded dashboards" were a bitch!

