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Colorado pushes to actually legalize marijuana

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Raskal View Post
    I'm not going to read because it's not that important to me.. but if you're able to give the cliff notes on the differences between being legal and not being something that is criminally prosecuted are I'm curious to know

    nevermind I get it now.. you want it sold to you from a guy on a street rather than a government taxed retailer?
    umm kinda yes..

    dispensaries are raided daily by DEA, FBI and any other acronym you can name. in states that it is "legal" people are still being prosecuted. 'we' want the same laws as far as posession and mfg without the govt+tax.

    it goes back to the saying, there is no taxation without representation. If a dispensary is covering all there steps to do right by their state law then it makes no sense for washington to come in and shut down the operation without warning.

    The sick are still sick, and some people truly need this as a form of medicine. if Pfizer set up a grow operation it may be a different story.

    I think the problem is with the flower itself. substances like marinol are not as bad in the govt's eyes, albeit just as potent. if it grows in the wild the govt wants to own it. if it's grown in a lab, the govt owned it from the get go.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Sleeper View Post
      They dont want the gov all up in their business like tobacco and alcohol.
      theres your cliff notes


      • #18
        think of it like this..

        in the state of texas we cant buy liquor on a holiday or a sunday, but in nevada you can.

        you cant buy beer or wine here until 7am through the week and until 12pm on a sunday.. thats a state by state law.. there is no rule to say i cant drink beer at 8 am sunday, and depending which restaurant i go to and if there paper work is up to snuff i can have access to a full bar for breakfast.

        the govt has complete control over alcohol and tobacco . i use both so i'm not gonna sit and bitch, but with marijuana being the one taboo left in america and the least harmful of the three, the last thing we want is the govt stepping in and mandating it.


        • #19
          if the feds get a hold of the best marijuana strands next thing we know all the tokers will end up with herpaghonnacyphilaids like the tobacco/alcohol/sex trade users have. oh and ulcers and cancers.

          flower power
          THE BAD HOMBRE


          • #20
            Originally posted by gnturboray View Post
            It will never happen because state laws cant override federal law.

            Why factually correct, your post doesn't make much sense. States have been pushing hard against the feds on all sorts of things recently, like Arizona with illegal immigration. If something is too big to get pushed through nationally, you start by taking it apart at the state level. It's already decriminalized in 17 states. That's a lot.


            • #21
              expect more random drug testing at work.


              • #22
                Originally posted by lonestarstang00 View Post
                I wish Texas would.
                GOD BLESS TEXAS
                August Landscaping
                Seb's high class.
                He'll mow your grass.
                He'll kick your ass.
                And while his kidney stones pass,
                He'll piss in a glass!


                • #23
                  It should be up to the states. If states can determine whether or not they want the death penalty, they can damn sure determine whether or not to legalize "chronic".


                  • #24
                    lets ban cigarette smoking in all establishments, but allow smoking weed... brilliant
                    first class white trash


                    • #25
                      It's just a matter of time before it's legal almost everywhere. I say let's get the fuck on with it.


                      • #26
                        As long as they tax the shit out of it, I don't care.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Beej View Post
                          expect more random drug testing at work.
                          if i owned a business you damn straight i would drug test! only for real drugs though like meth coke heroine...


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Vertnut View Post
                            As long as they tax the shit out of it, I don't care.
                            tax it too high and people are just gonna buy it on the streets, you can't get too greedy now. if an eighth sells for 75 in the store, and I can get it for 50 from a friend. i'm just gonna help my buddy out. if I get caught with it, its not like i'll go to jail.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by roliath View Post
                              tax it too high and people are just gonna buy it on the streets, you can't get too greedy now.
                              New York taxes on cigarette's are $4 a pack. Put a severe penalty on "boot-legging" (just like liquor) and it will sort itself out.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Vertnut View Post
                                New York taxes on cigarette's are $4 a pack. Put a severe penalty on "boot-legging" (just like liquor) and it will sort itself out.
                                I hope in my lifetime weed will be decriminalized so I can retire a farmer and grow weed for myself.

