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"Flight From Hell" Sits On JFK Runway For Eight Hours

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  • #16
    I was stuck on a runway for no less than 5 hours once. It got hot as fuck in the plane, the bathroom line was half a plane long, and they wouldn't pass out food, drinks, nor turn the tv/in flight movie on. We literally sat on a runway for hours until we refueled and got on our way.

    worst. fucking. flight. ever.


    • #17
      Originally posted by ELD3782 View Post
      Sure did, Mr. Post Police. Just commenting on how bad flying fuckings sucks, regardless. Stranded on the plane on the runway or in the cramped terminal, neither one seem to be too much fucking fun.
      Sounds like someone needs to "hadden da fuck up!"

      Seriously though, screw flying.


      • #18
        Worst airport nightmare for me was 12+hrs waiting at a terminal, flying fucking Air Tran! We were waiting for a plane to arrive from the other side of the country, and with each passing hour we were told it was about to take off. Finally they canceled and sent everyone packing at about midnight. It was borderline riotous when they called it...


        • #19
          I don't see anything too rough about that. My trip here from Afghanistan last weekend had me awake and running around for over 24hrs before I was even off the ground (the second time) in Dubai.

          Saturday 18th, wake up at 0600 (Afghanistan)
          Check in with travel at 0800 for a two hour meeting
          Back to work until 1300
          1300 delayed till 1700 so back to work again
          1700 until 1900 dealing with our new charter service out of Afghanistan
          1930 take off from Bagram
          2230 land in Dubai and taxi for 30 minutes then 30 minutes for customs and baggage claim
          2330 race to another terminal to check in
          wait till 0300 to find out the flight was delayed till 0600 then 0700 then 0730
          0800 board Emirates EK007 bound for London
          1100 flight crew advices London is shut down so we are heading BACK to Dubia
          1300 land back in Dubai
          Finally clear customs at 1900 and get a hotel on Emirates dime
          I went to the hotel to catch a shower, dinner and a change of clothes
          Back at the airport at 2200 to argue with Emirates about getting sent to Houston instead of London
          Monday 20th at 0300 finally get American Airlines and Emirates to agree to send me to Houston.
          0400 back at the hotel check internet and get my shit together then check out
          0500 back at the airport and checked in
          0930 take off for Houston a 15.5 hour flight, Finally some sleep
          Land in Houston at 1430 (Houston time) to clear customs passport control and sit for a 4 hour layover
          Land in Dallas at 2150 to find American Airlines LOST my baggage
          2330 home finally Monday the 20th only a day late but well rested from the Dubai to Houston flight.

          But after flying round trip Afg to Dallas 3-4 times a year for the past 5 years I am used to it now. Delayed flights, resulting in missed flights resulting in being stuck in Atl airport for 20hrs etc are no longer unusual to me. And yes I have been stuck in a plane not moving with no air for hours on end just the same; part of traveling these days.
          Fuck you. We're going to Costco.

