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  • Help

    Ok so I have taken the plunge of getting back into shape, I am 28, 5/11 203 pounds.
    Trainer kicked my ass around the gym yesterday to the point I wanted to pass out hahaha, been a long time since I worked out. My questions are this what supplements, shakes, pre work out, post work out drinks do you guys recommend? He was showing me stuff up there (24hr) but damn they are high, I thought we had someone on the board that does that kinda stuff?

    I am just wanting to loose a few pounds and tone back up abs, upper body, etc.
    Any advice, anyone work out in NRH need a partner?

    Thanks for any help?

  • #2
    All you need is glutamine and a protein shake to supplement your protein intake. Being that you are wanting to burn fat, steer clear of any post-workout shakes that are high in carbs and fat, and your best tool over-all is to have a clean calorie-specific diet. Losing weight is a rather simple formula, burn a few hundred calories more than you take in, and most importantly, be patient. Once your done losing the initial water weight in the first week or two, target for losing no more than 2lbs a week. It's counter-intuitive to what you see everywhere with all of the fad diets, but I assure you that it will be a ton easier to maintain lower bodyfat if you take your time getting there, for a multitude of reasons.

    Oh, and don't buy anything at the gym, it's akin to buying things at the airport, everything is super high, banking on that impulse/convenience buy. Order on-line, or find a local supplement shop.


    • #3
      I agree with Aaron. Don't get too wrapped up in the numbers from the scale. Take mesurements and use that as a basis. When the exercises become too easy, change them up and constantly challenge yourself. Keep a clean diet, workout routine and the rest will take care of itself. thank me later
      2019 ram toys currently


      • #4
        Don't be dependent on supplements. Like already stated, keep a clean diet. Supplements have a place, but for most people, a healthy diet along with exercise is more than enough to get them the results they want.
        "Any dog under 50lbs is a cat and cats are pointless." - Ron Swanson


        • #5
          I agree with just protein and aminos. You should be able to get far enough. If you don't want to shop online, vitamin shop has good prices compared to the gym. Optimum nutrition is a good protein shake that can be had for 25 for 2lb jug.


          • #6
            the only thing you really need to buy is creatine and maybe a pre workout. everything else, get from food.
            ازدهار رأسه برعشيت


            • #7
              Pre workouts are definitely not needed if you aren't a fan of over stimulating. Fuck those things...

