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With all the running talk - Sesamoid / Sesamoiditis?

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  • With all the running talk - Sesamoid / Sesamoiditis?

    With all of the recent running talk, and my recent addiction to trying to get into a few triathlons this year...I've been running more lately.

    About a month or so ago we had a USCG flag football tournament at work, and I ran a lot in cleats playing both sides of the ball. Ever since, my right foot directly behind my big toe has been hurting.

    After a little research, I thought it may be sesamoiditis so I went and had it looked at today. We did X-Rays, and oddly enough, instead of the typical '2' sesamoid bones, I have 3! great! thanks mom/dad!

    Anyhow, I just figured I'd post here to see if any of you have ever had to deal with sesamoiditis, or pain in the general area...and if you did, what did you do to combat it?

    The doctor I saw today prescribed an anti-inflammatory and said to keep doing what I've been doing and see if it helps. A lot of it probably has to do with the fact that I'm on a steel ship all day wearing military boots with little more than a hard piece of rubber for a sole. The doctor said if it doesn't feel better within a few weeks, we'll go to a podiatrist and see what he/she recommends.

    As of now, the pain is VERY minor, more of a there is a small pebble in my shoe. It never used to bug me during high school sports, so it must be from the endless days wearing boots on a steel deck...further agitated by running. I'm just trying to catch it before it becomes debilitating enough to where I don't want to run because of it.

    Stopping my running is not an it is crucial to my training.

    Any input is appreciated. I've done all of the google searches and everyone says something different - I'm just curious to hear your story(ies).


  • #2
    I've learned the hard way that when anything in your leg/foot is fucked up just let it rest untill it's better.

    Other then that, you can run on grass and stay off the streets and tracks. That's about it.


    • #3
      Damn man. I spent 10 years in the Navy pounding the deckplates in the engine room myself. That stuff is hard as hell on feet, knees and ankles. The constant ladders on roving watches are the worst.

      That said, I've never heard of this issue. I would seriously do a search over at runnersworld and see if someone there has the same problem.

      I've had all sorts of running problems since I was in high school, and have fixed most of them by working on technique.

      This sounds different to me though.

