I've seen dave run darkness at the track and he did very well... Just because he's smart and doesn't want to break the sorry ass rear end like jordon and I have done our first time on drs dorsnt mean he can't drive...
I've seen dave run darkness at the track and he did very well... Just because he's smart and doesn't want to break the sorry ass rear end like jordon and I have done our first time on drs dorsnt mean he can't drive...
Why you gotta pull my bads of sand out!!??
2016 250 Mini dozer
No matter how fast light travels it finds the darkness has always got there first, and is waiting for it.
Please, like you are fooling anyone. You're the second to worst sandbagger ever in the history of DFW racing scene. Big Will being the worst sandbagger ever. No one will ever believe either of you will ever have a slow car.