Already have lots of imports confirmed and most are saying the domestic guys won't show
Because they can't hang with the imports or are too scared to lose to one. Big pay outs and small fees. Can we get our fast people out? Join in on the smack talking on our facebook event page.
Don Omar is presenting his Dragmania Event along with a reggeaton concert with other reggeatton artist at Texas Motorplex in Ennis,TX May 25th, & 26th 2013.
$25k in payouts!
Domestic Outlaw VS Import Extreme
Winner - $10,000
Runner Up - $5,000
Semi's - $1,000
Top Street
Winner - $2,500
Runner Up - $1,000
Semi's - $500
All Motor
Winner - $1500
Runner Up - $700
Semi's - 250
Bracket Racing (b1,b2,b3)
Winner - $500
Runner Up - $150
Children Under 6 - FREE
Children 6-12 - $10.00
Saturday (Advance) - $20.00
Saturday (Door) - $30.00
Sunday(Advance) - $35.00
Sunday (Door) - $50.00
Weekend Pass (Pre-Sale) - $10.75
Weekend Pass (GA) - $45.00
VIP Weekend Pass (200 Only) - $200.00
The Weekend pass consists of:
-One VIP Weekend Pass - Prime Reserved Seating for Sunday's concert
-One VIP Reserved Parking Pass
-One Don Omar Mix CD
-Opportunity to Meet & Greet and take picture with Don Omar
Because they can't hang with the imports or are too scared to lose to one. Big pay outs and small fees. Can we get our fast people out? Join in on the smack talking on our facebook event page.
Don Omar is presenting his Dragmania Event along with a reggeaton concert with other reggeatton artist at Texas Motorplex in Ennis,TX May 25th, & 26th 2013.
$25k in payouts!
Domestic Outlaw VS Import Extreme
Winner - $10,000
Runner Up - $5,000
Semi's - $1,000
Top Street
Winner - $2,500
Runner Up - $1,000
Semi's - $500
All Motor
Winner - $1500
Runner Up - $700
Semi's - 250
Bracket Racing (b1,b2,b3)
Winner - $500
Runner Up - $150
Children Under 6 - FREE
Children 6-12 - $10.00
Saturday (Advance) - $20.00
Saturday (Door) - $30.00
Sunday(Advance) - $35.00
Sunday (Door) - $50.00
Weekend Pass (Pre-Sale) - $10.75
Weekend Pass (GA) - $45.00
VIP Weekend Pass (200 Only) - $200.00
The Weekend pass consists of:
-One VIP Weekend Pass - Prime Reserved Seating for Sunday's concert
-One VIP Reserved Parking Pass
-One Don Omar Mix CD
-Opportunity to Meet & Greet and take picture with Don Omar
