How do we get the classes moving?? Or is it gonna be like last year?? Sitting in the staging lane at midnight waiting for first round!!
Don't know what race track you are talking about but that ain't us Mr Booger! Never have started first round at midnight. But hey, to get the class moving along, all you guys need to do is listen and go to the scales when called. That is the part that usually takes yall about 45 minutes to move from your pit to do.
Don't know what race track you are talking about but that ain't us Mr Booger! Never have started first round at midnight. But hey, to get the class moving along, all you guys need to do is listen and go to the scales when called. That is the part that usually takes yall about 45 minutes to move from your pit to do.
Oh and happy birthday John
That did happen one nite water kept seeping crew kept fighting it and finally got race in but is was late,but not the norm....