If its his dads truck then it wont go anywhere for a while. Sorry koopa.
Our truck just to clear things up. We bought a Blazer Friday as well to put all this slow junk in it.
I bought a motor a few weeks back that is going into the S10. Drivetrain, control arms , brakes and wheels.. Will look completely different when coming back out.
According to Camaro owner it was turbo'ed on 6#s of boost. he was bragging to Travis while they were cleaning up the mess on the track.....just what I overheard while I was drooling over the 13 Shelby :-(
Thanks man yours too. Wish I could've come down there and bs'd a bit. It was my first time out with the car and was working out some jetting issues. Finally got it there near the end of the night.
Its all good i was doing the same it had been almost a yr since i had taken my car out.
heck yea it was , good looken car. it sure was moving. I told you I would be slower lol My best was only 7.8
Sorry about the car man i wanted to stop by when yall were strapping it down but figured you might not be in the best of moods with the situation at hand.
1st pass my damn trans decided to get stuck in first and the Lightning reved to the moon and let out a little oil or trans fluid onto the exhaust. Didn't notice until I was almost at the end when I saw the smoke in the rear view. Thought it was terminal, but no harm done. Finally got an 8.0@88.6mph but had to lift in 1st. I was told I was 1 wheel peelin.
Your truck was moving man it sure does sound good going down the track!