After playing for about 3 hours I finally started to get a little rhythm. Here is a shot of two pieces of .100" aluminum.

Now, before you rip on my weld just take into account I was working on a super old Hobart welder that my FIL uses, he is an old schooler and has the attitude of, "I don't know what all the knobs do, but it's adjusted good enough!". So he wouldn't really let me mess with any adjustments. He didn't want me to adjust the tungsten out either, which I know from my reading is all wrong (should be sticking out of the cup, but as you can see it is sunk into the cup), but I am thankful to him for letting me try. Now I really want to pick up a TIG rig.

Now, before you rip on my weld just take into account I was working on a super old Hobart welder that my FIL uses, he is an old schooler and has the attitude of, "I don't know what all the knobs do, but it's adjusted good enough!". So he wouldn't really let me mess with any adjustments. He didn't want me to adjust the tungsten out either, which I know from my reading is all wrong (should be sticking out of the cup, but as you can see it is sunk into the cup), but I am thankful to him for letting me try. Now I really want to pick up a TIG rig.
