I finally broke down and bought a brand new CNC machine. This is a Tormach PCNC1100 with Automatic tool changer, with a 4th axis (not shown in these pics). The 'enclosure' that they come with are in kinda shitty. I've added a 30" tall lexan shield to help keep the chips and coolant contained.
The first few projects are going to be easy, low-complexity type of stuff. I have some ideas that I'm working on that I'll post up as time permits - stuff like 3D billet elbows etc.
Here's the machine as it comes, palleted up and ready for action.

This is the air ram that releases the tools

The first half of the enclosure (see the plexiglass reflection).

The round piece here is the ATC. Pretty slick.
The first few projects are going to be easy, low-complexity type of stuff. I have some ideas that I'm working on that I'll post up as time permits - stuff like 3D billet elbows etc.
Here's the machine as it comes, palleted up and ready for action.

This is the air ram that releases the tools

The first half of the enclosure (see the plexiglass reflection).

The round piece here is the ATC. Pretty slick.
