ive been using eddie at arlington machine shop..kim barr has done some work for me as well..had good dealings with kim as well
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Kim Barr or not to Kim Barr
I wouldn't let him do any bottom end build personally
I've used him for cylinder head stuff and I would do it again, but that's because he'll take a good weed bribe to push my stuff to the front of the line
Originally posted by BadCompanyVPWS6 View PostWhat this man says.
My motor was Watt built and has been 5.8X and still going strong 4 years later.Vortex rear stand $75
8.8 410s. $50
My goal in life is to not arrive at the grave in a well preserved body.
but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting "holy shit!!!.. what a ride!"
1990 Foxbody GT for that ass
114 door
13 FX2 White 5.0
OK here is the rundown but cliff notes I use Arlington Machine Shop. Those guys have treated me good and know their crap.
Dennis Wells - This guy has a good rep, especially with the circle track guys. I personally wouldnt use him though. Took him a carb intake to have injector bungs drilled and he looked at the fuel rail and asked what it was. I told him his website said he drilled injector bungs and he looked dumbfounded and asked his wife if they had a website.
Charles Machine Shop - I had him machine a 302 for me back in the day and he did a great job but was pricey. He knows his shit though!! Only thing is the same day Dennis Wells pissed me off, I went over to talk to Charles and I was parked in front of his glass door and was walking to it and as I got 5 steps from the door with the intake in hand he walked up to the door, looked at me, locked it and walked off. That was complete disrespect and because of that I wont ever use him again!
Arlington Machine Shop - Good people, awsome prices, quick turn around. Enough said!Last edited by Lason; 11-18-2010, 01:17 PM.
Originally posted by kc50lx View PostIf you want another place to go, Tyler and I (and maybe 5.0_CJ as well) have both used Charles Automotive Machine in Arlington. He has done everything from motors to building hydraulic fittings for my wreckers that were one off pieces. I found him because my machine shop recommended him for certain jobs back when I was into mustangs and they have been around for 25+ years with an impeccable rep. If they recommend Charles, then he must be doing something right!
The only downsides:
Some times he gets real backed up or isn't open at all. He mainly only does race motors for people, but he does one hell of a job and the wait will be worth it IMHO.
He can be a bit of an ass sometimes. I don't think he means honestly, but sometimes he can come off that way. Again his quality of work is worth it and when he begins to recognize you he lightens up quite a bit.
Originally posted by Lason View PostDennis Wells - This guy has a good rep, especially with the circle track guys. I personally wouldnt use him though. Took him a carb intake to have injector bungs drilled and he looked at the fuel rail and asked what it was. I told him his website said he drilled injector bungs and he looked dumbfounded and asked his wife if they had a website.
From now on I will only use Morgan & Son for machine shop needs. If I didn't build my own motors I would have Bud do it hands down.
With that being said I will never Use Charles or Arlington Machine shop again. Arlington is the reason I chased my tail for 2 years.
either Gary @ Lenmar or Bud Morgan. I have never heard anything bad about either one of them.
Both have produced the best motors and most of the fastest cars out there and have a name for a reason.
Charles Machine... LoL that guy is a JACKASS
Reher Morrison.... Great Work aswell.
Best thing about Gary is that he has a million dollars worth or pro mod motors laying around and doesnt act like a dick to anyone one that has a $100 valve job... Gary and Buds work is all over the TRACK.... enough said
Originally posted by ToRqUeTwIsTeR View PostWasn't the motor in the 95 Cobra you had built my him?
If he wasn't so high on dope at the time maybe he could have done a better job? Who knows.