3 prongs on the back.
Here's my idea, just need to figure the switch out.
Going to put the hatch switch in my coupe and use the defrost side to switch a relay on and off for my electric fans.
No more toggle switch.
No I do not want it wired to it works with temptature or when the key is on. I want to be able to control when they come on, with or without the key being in the on position. Mainly so I can cool the car when it's off.
Any diagrams on how This switch works? It's a bump switch, it bumps on and bumps off? Or how does it work?
Here's my idea, just need to figure the switch out.
Going to put the hatch switch in my coupe and use the defrost side to switch a relay on and off for my electric fans.
No more toggle switch.
No I do not want it wired to it works with temptature or when the key is on. I want to be able to control when they come on, with or without the key being in the on position. Mainly so I can cool the car when it's off.
Any diagrams on how This switch works? It's a bump switch, it bumps on and bumps off? Or how does it work?