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06 F250 head gasket

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Texasmustang View Post
    I guess y'all have deeper pockets to waste your time and money on a junk 6.0. Pos never should have been place in fords.
    If you know what to do to them, theyre not bad...
    Ring and pinion specialist


    • #17
      12 valve swap truck. Let me know if you don't get as I would like a chance. I wanted to do a swap truck when I purchased my 2010 but time wouldn't allow it.

      I'll even pay you a couple hundred finders fee if I buy it.


      • #18
        there isn't any thing wrong with a 6.0. they just have to be fixed right buy some one who knows them (and no some dealers don't trust me). i have 2 and don't have any issues. you just need to tear it apart and fix all the problems at once then drive it and maintain it properly. I custom tune these and beat the hell out of them but i also change my oil every 3k and fuel filters 9k and flush the coolant. I'll fix the truck for you or if you dont want it I'll buy it just PM me


        • #19
          Originally posted by kpc01 View Post
          would you pay 5k for a truck in this condition with as little info as i have?
          If its nice, I would...but I may have a bit more "hookup" if you know what I mean
          Ring and pinion specialist


          • #20

            He says HG job would be 3000 and 400 less if you provide EGR delete kit.


            • #21
     back in town tonight and the guy couldn't wait. He ended up taking it to the next guy in line. they met at a shop and it was misdiagnosed by ford. it needed a head gasket and the guy gave him 12.5k. I knew I should of snagged it!!! oh well teaches me to keep more cash in reserves


              • #22
                If it needed a head gasket... aren't those newer motors all aluminum? That guy may not have got such a good deal if one (or both) of those heads are warped.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by StanleyTweedle View Post
                  If it needed a head gasket... aren't those newer motors all aluminum? That guy may not have got such a good deal if one (or both) of those heads are warped.
                  no. they arent aluminum..that guys asking for trouble...those heads are prone to cracking
                  Ring and pinion specialist


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by greenbullitt View Post
                    no. they arent aluminum..that guys asking for trouble...those heads are prone to cracking
                    Maybe so, but out of the 30+ 6.0 trucks we've had only a few have damaged the heads beyond repair, and in those few cases the trucks got a long block most of the time. I only had to say something once. I went in to the dealer and was looking over the cylinder walls and noticed minor scarring. I told the tech I wanted a new engine, he called the district rep, and two days later he gave the okay on a longblock replacement.

                    I had a 05 that was nothing but trouble that probably had a solid $20k in repair work over the first 150k miles. Had a total of 15 injectors replaced from 60-150k miles, a gasket change with one head, egr cooler twice, egr, complete longblock on second gasket blow, etc. Ford lost some serious coin on these trucks.

                    All of ours had the ESP to 200k, and only a couple haven't paid out twice as much in with us selling them at 150k miles. I had a 04 that didn't get anything except a EGR, EGR cooler, and a few injectors. I don't really understand it as they are all maintained the same.


                    • #25
                      Factory defects are weird that way. I'm thinking that its possible that a lot of defects are computer or software related. Think about it... why would they just need to keep on and on replacing injectors in that truck? Like brand new injectors would just keep going bad. I had a 99 volvo s80 that had the same kind of problems. Dumb crap over and over, many attempts to fix, all failed in the end. Could be these vehicles just need a different computer put in them.


                      • #26
                        If somethings eating injectors like that it has another problem...fuel pressure should be looked at for one...also, the heads donj just crack, they also have problems pitting around the fire ring and wont hold a gasket...ive seen ALOT of heads have to be replaced, granted I see TONS of these trucks
                        Ring and pinion specialist


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by greenbullitt View Post
                          parts are expensive period...for reference...

                          oil cooler-common to become restricted, 330.00
                          head gaskets with tty bolts-250 each
                          egr cooler-400.00
                          head--not positive, but i think around 700 ea
                          arp head studs if you go that route, about 500

                          take in mind, its a 20 plus hr book time to do head gaskets and i hope you have means to pull the cab...

                          is it pushing coolant out the reservoir? overheating?
                          you dont have to pull the cab, i did mine at home, 05 f250 4x4 diesel,
                          you have the parts list correct and i added the delete to mine.
                          and it is a pain

