Well, rather then fight the -12 bulkhead and the -12 90* AN fitting I figured I'd just send them back to Summit and start fresh. No way would the replacements also leak, right? WRONG. Go the new bulkhead in and the -12 90*, and guess what, still leaking from the same place.
It leaks right between the collar that goes around the inverted flare part.

Not a big leak by any means, but just enough to leave a wet spot on your finger every time you run your finger across the fitting. I doubt it would even drip 2 drops a day, but I figure when it comes to FUEL I want something, umm, that seals.
Got in touch with a Summit rep and they are sending yet ANOTHER bulkhead and 90* fitting, and the QA department is going to "look" at these.
I'd think I am just a moron, but the other -12 fitting, the 2 -10 fittings, the 12 -8 fittings, and all of the o-ring fittings have sealed up great, and I assembled them all the same way. This is driving me nuts. I had them push the "pick-up" back until Wednesday of next week (hopefully buying me enough time to get the new fittings in before I have to return the old one) so that I can continue to play with the car. I absolutely hate having to mess with draining the fuel cell and getting doused in fuel over and over again. Can we have a group prayer that the replacement replacements will seal?
Any input here?
It leaks right between the collar that goes around the inverted flare part.

Not a big leak by any means, but just enough to leave a wet spot on your finger every time you run your finger across the fitting. I doubt it would even drip 2 drops a day, but I figure when it comes to FUEL I want something, umm, that seals.
Got in touch with a Summit rep and they are sending yet ANOTHER bulkhead and 90* fitting, and the QA department is going to "look" at these.
I'd think I am just a moron, but the other -12 fitting, the 2 -10 fittings, the 12 -8 fittings, and all of the o-ring fittings have sealed up great, and I assembled them all the same way. This is driving me nuts. I had them push the "pick-up" back until Wednesday of next week (hopefully buying me enough time to get the new fittings in before I have to return the old one) so that I can continue to play with the car. I absolutely hate having to mess with draining the fuel cell and getting doused in fuel over and over again. Can we have a group prayer that the replacement replacements will seal?
Any input here?