ok so im kinda in a pickle here, 3 years ago i bough my 93 fox, 2.3l 4 plug, i had no idea they made one at the time but i got a heck of a deal at $300 for a car with 42000 miles. so i got it running it turns out the icm was out on it. so i drove it back n fourth to high school until graduation which i just graduated, and i drove it to work through the summer and saved up enough to do THE 5.0 swap
so i started building. got a 302 long block pretty cheap tore it completely down and cleaned everything up really nice, put new bearings, and rings and everything. it didnt need to be bored at all. so i ported and polished the e7's and threw them on, re used the stock cam, pistons, rods, crank, lifters, and push rods. bought a new oil pump, water pump, distributor, n all those goodies.. put an edelbrock performer intake on it, rebuilt myself a 1850-2 holley carb which is a 600 cfm with a vacuum secondary. had this thing lookin nice and pretty on the engine stand in the shop!! then it came to a transmission.. i knew shortly i would be going to college in dallas so i didnt want a c4 or a c6 so i went for an aod. (btw i stayed with the 7'' 3.73's) and i finally found one at a transmission shop right up the street. he said with exchange for the a4ld that i was going to be taking out he would trade me for the trans and $100 and that the aod had just recently had a rebuild. so i took his word for it and then time came to do the swap. had the 2.3 and the a4ld out in one day and thought i would have this thing done in no time.. haha or not. then i lowered the 5.0 in and wired it up (had to work the bugs out with the durasparkII system for a day and a half) then put the trans in it got everything hooked up nicely got it off of the jack stands and went for a drive. well hell it wouldnt shift out of 1st.. fml. so i messed with the TV cable on the trans thinking that was it.. it had no effect. then i finally decide to take the aod out and say screw it ill just get another. so i took it out then thought ill jus take the pan off and take a look inside. so i did and found out that the linkage wasnt hooked up inside the trans. hooked that up and put a shift kit in the valve body for the fun of it
then i put it back in and took it for a drive. shifted perfectly. then i stompped on it FML the rear u-joint broke but not all the way so it was off center and was way outta balance and was enough to break the extension housing on the transmission. on top of that i used 12 mm bolts on the bellhousing instead of 1/2 inch and they came loose and the trans came back far enough to let the torque converter come unlocked and it broke the starter. so 2 days before i was suppose to leave for college my car spewes its new guts. so my parents help me get a really cheap car to get through college.. a 2000 kia rio, not too bad of a car but not my mustang of my dreams either. anyway three months into college my family's financual situation goes down the drain and i had to move back with my parents to help them out with in any way possible. and in doing so a moving back from dallas to longview i hydroplained and totaled that car. can we say fml again
so then me and my step dad get in a big fight and i moved away to a town called kerens texas about 15 miles east of corsicana. and i have no car and no job. any ideas on 1 how can i get on my feet, and 2 how to get my mustang down here to fix it and drive it to work??
