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Trans tunnel ?

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  • Trans tunnel ?

    You know, where your transmission sits under your car? Well, my T5 sits a lot closer to the passenger side and I think the bell housing is making contact with the body causing a vibration that I can hear and feel. Is the trans and drive shaft supposed to sit directly in the middle of the tunnel? If not what can I do about it?

  • #2
    Move your motor mounts or a BFH. I have used the BFH with success on several projects. Does it line up with your rear end?
    Whos your Daddy?


    • #3
      Trans tunnel ?

      Move the motor mounts? Like bring the engine up or down? I’m not sure what a Bfh is and trans lines up with the rear as well as it can. Because of the position of the trans, The drive shaft is also closer to the pass. aside.


      • #4
        BFH=big freakin hammer

        Try loosening trans/engine mounts and see if you can recenter it, then secure everything.


        • #5
          Ha! I figured it was something like that. I’ve tried loosening everything and tying it back up but I can’t get the trans to sit a little closer to the middle so that the bell doesn’t touch the car. Maybe I’ll have to try again with an extra person.

