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Flooding on FI engine?

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  • Flooding on FI engine?

    What causes flooding on start up with an 4.6? New plugs are Tr6's. It's blown, shows 35psi on the guage. Every morning when I go to start it it's a bear with smoke from too much fuel on start up. Also stinks like gas. Had a guy from work behind me the other day saying he smelt gas while driving behind me.

    Tune? Hung injector? Too much pressure? Not an LS1?

  • #2
    Tune, stuck injector, etc. is it a return style fuel system now? is it a stable 35psi @ idle?
    Ring and pinion specialist


    • #3
      Sounds like a shitty tune or mabe a injector leaking.
      Half of history is hiding the past.


      • #4
        Yep I agree with above. Either tune or stuck injector.

        The tune has to be rich when the motor is cold but the problem is tuning that end of the spectrum is hard because the motor has to be stone cold and you only really get one shot at it before the motor warms up. Just my expirience anyway.


        • #5
          Originally posted by greenbullitt View Post
          Tune, stuck injector, etc. is it a return style fuel system now? is it a stable 35psi @ idle?

          Yes, stable at 36, with a return. FPR is an aeromotive. Two 5/8 lines forward one 1/2 return.

          Starting up it really runs like shit. Once it's warm there is sometimes an idle/surge issue. Had momentary cutouts (1/2 secondish) at 2400 rpm, sluggish feeling like there is no fuel going into second at 25%ish throttle several times. If you drive the piss out of it there are no issues, drive it easy throttle it doesn't like it.

          I'm leaning more and more towards having to have a tune put on it. Sound right to you guys that actually know what the hell you're talking about? I sure don't...


          • #6
            do you have a raytek or similar? (infrared temp gun)
            Ring and pinion specialist


            • #7
              Originally posted by greenbullitt View Post
              do you have a raytek or similar? (infrared temp gun)

              Yes. What shall I check?

              Fixing to go install the new Walbro 255s that just got here. That oughta be fun trying to figure out how to drain a half tank with a bunch of five galloners...


              • #8
                Pumps are in and it still has idle issues. Fuel pressure is stronger though!

                Looks like I'll be at Gearheads on Thursday at about 2...


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Fox466 View Post
                  Pumps are in and it still has idle issues. Fuel pressure is stronger though!

                  Looks like I'll be at Gearheads on Thursday at about 2...
                  mike, i had the same issue with my car and it turned out to be a hole in the diaphram in the AFPR. take off the vacuum hose that controls the AFPR and see if you have fuel in the line.
                  95 Rio Red Cobra#3881



                  • #10
                    Check header primary temps, If there is one that is considerably higher, that cyl may have an injector problem

                    its VERY possible it only needs a tune like youre thinking. larger injectors can idle NASTY without tune adjustments
                    Ring and pinion specialist


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by openroadracer View Post
                      mike, i had the same issue with my car and it turned out to be a hole in the diaphram in the AFPR. take off the vacuum hose that controls the AFPR and see if you have fuel in the line.
                      I had heard that the other day and it's good on that front bro.

                      Originally posted by greenbullitt View Post
                      Check header primary temps, If there is one that is considerably higher, that cyl may have an injector problem

                      its VERY possible it only needs a tune like youre thinking. larger injectors can idle NASTY without tune adjustments

                      Will check the temps tomorrow. I'm actually beginning to wonder if the ECU or chip isn't frying with the way it is just randomly losing power and dying.

                      Taking off with varying levels of throttle it just feels dead at times, with little to no response to the pedal, though that could be flooding of some sort. Jumped down on it earlier to clear it and had smoke behind me, though I couldn't see the color.

                      Regardless, doing a tune though I really don't think that is all that is going on.


                      • #12
                        Good luck man, let us know.
                        04 2.6 KB'd Cobra!

                        Originally posted by Sean88gt
                        There is something about her that just makes my dick completely take over any thought process. If Russell Brand were on top of her, I'd fuck him just to say I pushed a dick inside of her.


                        • #13
                          Here is another option, broken valve guide, Had the same damn thing happen to me!


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Fox466 View Post
                            Pumps are in and it still has idle issues. Fuel pressure is stronger though!

                            Looks like I'll be at Gearheads on Thursday at about 2...
                            tisk tisk..


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Whiteboy View Post
                              tisk tisk..

                              $75 to retune over there since I have a Diablo chip and Archie can't/won't touch those vs buying a new chip and starting from scratch with you guys. I asked before for a price, so how much can you guys do it for? PM me...

                              Or I'll just call you in a bit.

