I was breaking in a new cam in a fresh build and to my horror I could hear a loud ticking after a few minutes of running.
Long story short I pull off the intake and found one lifter with the cup sitting sideways next to the pushrod.
What may have caused this? Bad lifter(s)? Maybe I didn't set the preload correctly? These were new comp hydro lifters. Can is new too. Luckily the cam looks fine and the lifter face looks fine too.
Should I get a new lifter? Or try to put it back together?
Long story short I pull off the intake and found one lifter with the cup sitting sideways next to the pushrod.
What may have caused this? Bad lifter(s)? Maybe I didn't set the preload correctly? These were new comp hydro lifters. Can is new too. Luckily the cam looks fine and the lifter face looks fine too.
Should I get a new lifter? Or try to put it back together?
