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Car wont start....

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  • Car wont start....

    2006 GT w/KB

    Friday night tried to start her up to move and turn car around to work in garage, but battery dead. Gave it a quick boost and turned it around. Being dumb, I revved it pretty good then turned off. Fast forward to Saturday, was going to install headers, so I removed battery/tray, sprayed studs with oil. Decided not to do it, so I just worked on brakes, resurface, pads, and bled them. Back together and tried to start and it did not want to start. I can hear the pump going. I check connectors on TB, I checked vacuum hoses I could see from TB and the blower, they check good. Recharged the battery completely and still does not start. I'm by no means a mechanic, so any help I could do here would help before taking it to shop.

    You can see smoke coming from passenger due to me having a exhaust leak where manifold bolts to stock cat.

  • #2
    I reset the fuel shutoff and checked pump fuses. The relay didn't read short across the control ckt, so I figured that should be good??
    Also checked fuse at boost a pump and it's good.
    Last edited by Rafa; 04-27-2014, 03:45 PM.


    • #3
      Does it have gas?
      Check your self bro , you're not that cool.


      • #4
        Does it have tires?
        "Yeeeeehhhhhaaaaawwwww that's my jam"


        • #5
          Half tank and made sure tires are there. Windshield and hood there too.



          • #6
            Just checked fuel pressure. Shot up to 70psi then dropped to about a steady 51-52psi.


            • #7
              Does it crank or attempt to start?


              • #8
                Fuel, Air, Spark, Timing, Compression.

                Fuel and air are unlikely since you have good pressure and the TB plate is likely opening. Spark would be my starting point. Check the codes and see if you have a crankshaft position sensor problem.


                • #9
                  Well, this was weird. I took off inlet tube and made sure the TB was opening and it was and put it back on. So, I just decided to crank it again, this time I hit the gas pedal, and it started up. Idle was shit, but it did stay on and then died. So I cranked again and kept it around 1500 rpm, and it stayed on. I let off to see if it would idle and it sounded like it wanted to die but didn't. Eventually, it started to idle normal. I left it running for a good 5 min, turned off, and started back on. It had a very small hesitation, but then started right up normal. Took it for a spin and it drove fine. Starts up just fine now.


                  • #10
                    Did you check the connection on the MAF? Is it reading a code?


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by wickedblkgt View Post
                      Did you check the connection on the MAF? Is it reading a code?
                      Yep...connection was good. AF gauge did not show any codes. I also plugged in my tuner and it didn't see any codes. Running good now, so maybe it was flooded???


                      • #12
                        I bet the MAF was loose, mine did the same thing on my blown 2v.

