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F250 gears

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  • F250 gears

    I know a lot of you have F250/350's. Anyone changed out the gearing?

    I want to put 4:10's in the rear, so I'm starting some research.

    Where to get ring and pinion, and bearing kit? Do I need a bearing kit?

    Who does a good install? Rear end work is not my forte.

    Its a 4x4, Will there be issues if I do the rear first, and the front later, if at all? It goes into 4wheel drive MAYBE once a year.

    All this is on a 2006 F250 with 74K miles on it. I want to do it to get the final gear ratio back to stock since it now has larger tires on it.


  • #2
    I would just make more power

    what size tires are you running?

    you can run the 4.10's out back, but you can't use 4wd if you do. even offroad it will bind up in anything but pure mud and a pure emergency


    • #3
      Just add moar powa Dalt.


      • #4
        More Power - Even if you are on 40s it will be fine

        Wait is it a gas motor ?


        • #5
          Originally posted by Andy@PrimeTuning View Post
          More Power - Even if you are on 40s it will be fine

          Wait is it a gas motor ?
          It's a diesel. And I'm out on the gears if I can't use my 4x4 at all.

          It has just shy of 35s. 295/70/18 to be exact, 34.3" diameter. Day to day driving isn't a problem, but it seemed to struggle pulling a 6k lb. rv. It actually pulled fine, just seemed maxed out at 65.

          I did an egr delete, and I've been wanting to get a tuner to get rid of the CEL it gets every now and then. That might help. I guess I'm just a little gun shy (chicken?) to do much to this 6.0. I love it, but as we all know it's kinda fragile.


          • #6
            Dude, I've got you fucking covered on this shit...

            I have an SCT X3 with Gearhead custom tunes for my '06. I sold the truck and kept the tuner.

            step into the light my child!


            • #7
              and they are definitely not fragile!


              • #8
                I might just be interested in that x3. Kinda depends on the tunes. Mines not studded, only has the delete and a few of the updates. No serious mods, not even exhaust.

                Edit- sent you a pm cooter.
                Last edited by Rotortrash; 03-26-2014, 06:31 PM.


                • #9
                  mine wasn't deleted or studded


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Rotortrash View Post
                    I might just be interested in that x3. Kinda depends on the tunes. Mines not studded, only has the delete and a few of the updates. No serious mods, not even exhaust.

                    Edit- sent you a pm cooter.

                    I was far from easy on my 06 with SCT and never had a issue in the 50k it was tuned.

                    I deleted the cat, which I think you should do.


                    • #11
                      I know you aren't pulling a lot with that pig Dalt. Buy that programmer, throw a MBRP exhaust on it, 03 turbo and be done. Be smart with it and you will be fine, besides.... You are a damned helicopter mechanic. Don't act like you can't put head studs on a Sic.0.


                      • #12
                        I highly recommend getting going the route cooter is recommending with the SCT tuner and gearhead tunes. I run a tuned 6.0 it and is a night and day difference from a stock 6.0.
                        2007 Silverado CC
                        1970 Mustang Coupe

                        True Street Motorsports. 972-542-9886


                        • #13
                          Adding more torque is basically like adding more gear in the rear end. I usually give the exact same advice as above to add more power but I've done a gear swap on a Duramax and a PSD from stock to 4.56 and both guys said it was the best money they ever spent. I personally think a little extra load on the turbo is a good thing and lets it stretch out a little more so you can use that power. Now if you're towing heavy loads or the transmission is struggling to hold a certain gear, you need to regear the truck.

                          This all assuming its a turbo diesel. Gas powered trucks are totally different.


                          • #14
                            he's not running a whole lot of tire to even warrant a 4.10

                            I'm going to meet up with him when he's down this way and get an SCT loaded up on it


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by thesource View Post

                              This all assuming its a turbo diesel. Gas powered trucks are totally different.
                              Care to elaborate? Pm me if you don't want to derail this thread.

