I told you Neilbro, my guy will do it for $2200 all in. If you pay cash it will be even cheaper.
I know, Eric. I'm waiting on one more lead and if not, then I will take it to your guy. Problem is, while the transmission would be cheaper to replace than individual parts in it, I'm still not convinced that what they want to fix is the issue. It could still be a master or slave cylinder, motor mount, or something else entirely.
Bring it out here, this guy owes me a favor. I'll get him to diagnose it for free.
Tomorrow night good for you? I have to work until probably about 4 or so, then I can get my mom to dip me of at the dealership and I'll drive out that way.
Took it to an independent shop. He said he was 95% sure it was the clutch bearing. $50-$60 part, and $500 in labor. He said it probably needed new front shocks, but that it was otherwise mechanically sound. No broken motor mounts, no synchro issues, nothing.