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Check engine light

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  • Check engine light

    I know there are plenty of posts about this problem, but I'm starting to run out of ideas here. I'm trying to sell my car but not until I can get the check engine light off.

    Mods. Long tubes, x-pipe, slp exhaust, CIA, throttle body, 3.73, and diablo programmer.

    IAC replaced, MAF replaced, new alt, have eliminators and a new O2 censor, and put the stock tune back in with programmer. Worked for couple hours now back on. Car runs rich bank 1 sensor 1 and bank 2 sensor 1.
    I could get a tune but for bolt ons that seems a bit much!

  • #2
    What's the specific dtc?


    • #3
      Both O2's reading the same thing, then I say it's actually running rich. Clean your MAF for starters.


      • #4
        The MAF is new. I'm starting to run out of ideas unless it just needs to be tuned out.


        • #5
          There are a lot if things that can set lean or rich codes and you could throw a lot of parts at it and not cure the problem. The long tubes out the o2 sensors in a much different location than stock and that can affect their ability to read the same as stock would. If the tune you are using is generic then I would recommend a custom tune for your specific application first.


          • #6
            just take the light bulb out

            Originally posted by DOHCTR
            You sir are the poster child for "Go big or go home"!


            • #7
              Ya it's just the regular tunes that come with the programmer. Hopefully they won't charge a ton if I have a tuner and it's just running rich.


              • #8
                If your going to sell it, put the stock exhaust back on. Long tubes can throw a CEL because your O2 sensors are not at the correct distance from the ports. The exhaust gas has enough time to cool and not read properly. Also did you put a colder thermostat in the car? If so this can result in the car thinking its not fully warmed up. CAI can also throw fits with the computer without a tune.

