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Rocker arm help please!!!!!

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  • #31
    Have you checked to see if you actually have oil pressure/flow to the rockers?

    Pull a valve cover and verify. If not, you may have pulled the oil pump shaft out of the oil pump when you pulled the distributor. If that's ok, you could possibly have a faulty or blocked oil filter.


    • #32
      Originally posted by terryd001 View Post
      there at about 32 ft lbs. i did them to specs and though maybe they needed a little tighter but still not it. i don't get it cause everything is exactly how the book says. only thing i can think of is the gasket is a different thickness. i ordered a head set off a 92 5.0 and my motor is a 2000
      You are fine on that then. I would verify there is oil at the top if so take it to someone and get a second opinion.


      • #33
        Originally posted by terryd001 View Post
        there at about 32 ft lbs. i did them to specs and though maybe they needed a little tighter but still not it. i don't get it cause everything is exactly how the book says. only thing i can think of is the gasket is a different thickness. i ordered a head set off a 92 5.0 and my motor is a 2000
        32 is too much for the 5/16 bolts, the OE gasket may have been .040, 9333 is .047 I think, it may be a bit loose from that, get some .050 longer pushrods
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        • #34
          I was thinking taller pushrods. Ill double check all my bolts when I get home


          • #35
            Originally posted by 91CoupeMike View Post
            Damn dude I was wondering where you've been. Haven't seen you post here or Facebook in ages!
            Yea lol. Just training man. Deleted the FB.

            I was just thinking that when he blew the head gasket he might have heated up the top end and a few rockers could have warped. Hope you figure it out man.
            1993 Vibrant Red Cobra #1741.

            If you want more inches - Stroke it!!!


            • #36
              Heard you went to autozone.

              The guy at the counter was calling me, I saw the missed call.

              I know mine were really noisy the first few days and they still make a little noise.

              I have heads that call for stock length rods, and I used the same gasket you should've gotten in that kit. The 9333 pt1. I didn't have any slack in my pushrods, then again I have stud mounted rockers.

              Get some feeler gauges and see how much of a gap you actually have.

              If you tightened the rockers down without making sure the cam was on the backside it could cause the lifter to collapse, also old lifters are kinda sticky, they won't spring back up like a new one.

              That's my guess man, everything is stock, or should be from what you've said.

              320rwhp. 7.67 @ 90mph 1.7 60'

              DD: 2004 GMC Sierra VHO 6.0 LQ9 324whp 350wtrq

