Lol, meh it obviously did, there's no question. It was isolated to that particular cylinder. Meaning, it was most likely caused by the oil that was coming through the intake valve. That increases the chance of detonation. Being that cylinder 8 intake valve was soaked in oil while the rest were dry somewhat proves my hypothesis. It wasn't a tuning error ect.. That is the point I've been trying to say this entire time.
Lol, meh it obviously did, there's no question. It was isolated to that particular cylinder. Meaning, it was most likely caused by the oil that was coming through the intake valve. That increases the chance of detonation. Being that cylinder 8 intake valve was soaked in oil while the rest were dry somewhat proves my hypothesis. It wasn't a tuning error ect.. That is the point I've been trying to say this entire time.
Lol, meh it obviously did, there's no question. It was isolated to that particular cylinder. Meaning, it was most likely caused by the oil that was coming through the intake valve. That increases the chance of detonation. Being that cylinder 8 intake valve was soaked in oil while the rest were dry somewhat proves my hypothesis. It wasn't a tuning error ect.. That is the point I've been trying to say this entire time.
News flash. Motor oil has a higher auto ignition point than gasoline. From what I can find, 536* for gasoline and around 1300* for heavy hydrocarbons (motor oil.)
News flash. Motor oil has a higher auto ignition point than gasoline. From what I can find, 536* for gasoline and around 1300* for heavy hydrocarbons (motor oil.)
Try again, hoss.
Auto ignition point and octane rating are two completely different things. Diesel has a higher auto ignition point to. Think you can run that in a gas motor? No, because it will knock like a mofo.
Auto ignition point and octane rating are two completely different things. Diesel has a higher auto ignition point to. Think you can run that in a gas motor? No, because it will knock like a mofo.
Son, grown folks is talkin'. Nobody said anything about octane rating, and diesel has a lower autoignition temperature than gasoline does, by almost 130*. Do some research before you start to ramble off stuff you don't know a thing about.