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My experience with TrueStreet

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  • #61
    Originally posted by A+ View Post
    meh, dont feel like reading but ive heard of numerous occasions where a paid advertiser / business has screwed members over. I guess since everybody sweats their nuts like they got an amazing deal, theyre afraid to speak up. I wish my "friend" would let me spill the beans, i have no problem starting a smear campaign.
    yeah, plus my internet persona here is, well, less than stellar but, i have exhausted every other option i can.

    Better Business Bureau
    Sep 20

    to me
    Complaint ID#: 91230583
    Business Name: Truestreet Motorsports

    Thank you for contacting the Better Business Bureau. Your complaint was received by the Bureau on September 19, 2012 and has been assigned case# 91230583 in our files. Please make a note of this number for future reference.

    Your complaint has been applied to the following business:
    Truestreet Motorsports
    1006 N Tennessee St
    McKinney, TX 75069-2112

    The case has been reviewed and has now been forwarded to the business for their response. This business has 22 days to respond to your complaint. You may contact our office at 214-740-0349 40 days after the above date to check the status of your complaint.

    We encourage you to use our ONLINE COMPLAINT system to keep up with the progress of this complaint. To view the details of your case click here.


    Lee Stallings
    Director of Complaint Resolution Department

    COMPLAINT ACTIVITY REPORT Case # 91230583 BBB Serving Dallas and Northeast Texas

    Consumer Info: Bechtel, christopher Brian Business Info: True Street Motorsports
    6544 Alexandra Meadows
    Fort Worth, TX 76131
    - 817 938-7539 972 542-9886

    Location Involved: (Same as above)

    Consumer's Original Complaint :
    I contacted truestreet to build me a motor for my mustang. my total bill was well over $5,000 dollars of which, $600 was specified on the receipt as "build motor" and $1200 was specified as "install motor". I immediately had issues with the motor vibrating and had to take it back to them. Truestreet themselves, said the motor needed to come back out and be rebuilt but they want to charge me all over again for the work. This isnt a matter of a motor going bad months or years later. This was the next day and now they want more money ($1500 to get started) to redo their work. numerous phone calls and emails have been exchanged, but they have told me flat out they will not cover the costs and i need to pay even more.
    Product_Or_Service: complete motor build

    Consumer's Desired Resolution:
    DesiredSettlementID: Other (requires explanation)I would either like to be refunded the labor portion of my bill, which exceeds $2200.00 or for them to take my car back and rebuild it correctly and give it to me with a written guarantee of at least 6 months or 6000 miles.

    BBB Processing

    09/18/2012 web BBB Case Received by BBB
    09/19/2012 PAL BBB Case Reviewed by BBB
    09/19/2012 Otto EMAIL Send Acknowledgement to Consumer
    09/19/2012 Otto EMAIL Notify Business of Dispute
    10/11/2012 OttO BBB No response to first notice to business
    10/11/2012 OttO EMAIL Reminder of Dispute to Business
    10/11/2012 WEB BBB RECEIVE BUSINESS RESPONSE : Contact Name and Title: Clint Davis Owner
    Contact Phone: 972.542.9886
    Contact Email:
    To whom it may concern,

    This started as a Internet estimate. We priced it based on what we were told. Customer told us motor was fresh from the "Machine Shop" and balanced. When the car and customer showed up the the "short block" of the motor was assembled (this means Crankshaft,Rods, Pistons, Rings, Bearings were already in the motor. I asked the customer again if the motor came from machine shop and was balanced. The customer said "yes" From this point we put heads on motor, oil pump, oil pan, intake, water pump, ect on the motor. We did some other work on the car but I will stay on topic from where the complaint is coming from. We put motor in car, got all missing bolts , brackets, ect and finished car. Customer picked up car, a month or more later the customer called and said that there is a small vibration in the car as the motor sees higher RPMs. Also said he had a problem with the alternator coming lose. I told him to bring it to us and let us find out what the problem might be. Car shower up, as soon as we opened the hood we noticed most of the accessory's/brackets we loose (A/C pump, fan, power steering. At this point I was 98% sure what the problem was. I called the customer and asked again if the motor was balance and who did it for him. He stated he had a Friend of a friend machine and balance the motor. I told him I was pretty sure that the motor was not balanced correctly. He stated this guy was not in business anymore and wanted a price for us to fix it. I told him I wanted to do a test to confirm what my though of what was wrong. He agreed and we replaced the balance on the end of the "Crankshaft" and as feared the vibrations was just as bad. At this point I spoke with the customer and told him the motor was not balanced correctly. That when a motor has new parts in it, it will need to be balanced. He asked why we did not check this before we installed the motor. I explained we do not balance motors, we are auto repair shop not a machine shop. I reminded him about my questions to him before we started if the motor was machines and balanced before we installed it. He said he did, but this "machine shop" was out of business and there was nothing they were willing to do. I explained I could not fix this with out a charge. He asked why I told him we did not machine the motor and that was the reason for his current problems. I told he we would be willing help him some on our price but as far a the machine service this is not something we do or have equipment to do. He told me thanks and he would be in touch.
    10/12/2012 JMA EMAIL Forward Business response to Consumer
    10/22/2012 OttO BBB No Consumer Response- Assumed Resolved with Letter
    10/22/2012 OttO EMAIL Inform Business - Case Closed ASSUMED RESOLVED
    10/22/2012 OttO BBB Case closed - ASSUMED RESOLVED


    • #62
      Originally posted by View Post
      Here is a PM from him and me showing I was trying to help, but at the same time being completely honest that if it is not our fault he would have to pay

      I have another 5-7 PM's (private messages) of me offering our help ....... At this point I dont trust anything from TEAMJACOB/chris and there for will not be helping or working on his car
      feel free to point out where you were going to help with out charging me? will you call me a liar when the audio is posted? also i already have every pm from you and to you printed and organized in chronological order that i can post up.
      pming or calling me and working this out > than saying " nuh uh, he's lying"

      also read the thread, this has to do with dowel pins not short blocks


      • #63
        fuck it, do what you gotta do. Everyone's gonna hate you (more) though.


        • #64
          Originally posted by A+ View Post
          fuck it, do what you gotta do. Everyone's gonna hate you (more) though.
          who's going to hate who ( you didn't quote anybody so who are you talking to )


          • #65
            Originally posted by blownaltered View Post
            who's going to hate who ( you didn't quote anybody so who are you talking to )
            talkin about teamjacob. hes gonna be THAT asshole.


            • #66
              Originally posted by A+ View Post
              talkin about teamjacob. hes gonna be THAT asshole.
              Oh ok just curious, I wouldn't touch his shit after all these threads either. No matter what he won't be happy so cut your loses.


              • #67
                clint you are unbelievable.
                1.when was that ad posted? recently, now that the car is fixed.
                2. ive tried to deceive people? yet i am open about it here?
                my 351w has a vibration in the motor, so ive been told. it has a ton of goodies in it but the fact remains, there is a vibration. if i had the money to have the motor pulled and rebuilt, i would but i dont. i drive the car every day but that vibration shows up in the higher rpms. im tired of having a car i cant have fun in.

                3. a year later, i picked up my car in late april or may?
                4. you were willing to help? ill post the phone conversation
                5. yes i said the motor was not balance, because i am HONEST, and have nothing to hide. i have been completely open about the car. anything regarding the balancing of the short block is irrelevant, it was missing dowel pins plus many many people share this opinion when it comes to balancing (stock crank, stock rods, aftermarket pistons)
                Originally posted by jyro View Post
                Some were balanced, some not. As long as I used the correct balance flywheel and balancer for the crankshaft you couldn't tell the motor wasn't balanced. I'm sure a motor will last longer balanced but usually something else will fail before a crankshaft will because of inbalance.

                I bought a 66 f100 someone had converted to a 351w. it had a 50oz balancer and a 28oz flexplate. It had a vibration above 45. I changed the balancer for a Dorman 28oz and it was a big difference.
                6. im lying so i paid another shop to unistall dowel pins so i can get you to reimburse me installing the dowel pins? wt
                7. car is fixed, if i drive it to you on my next day off, will you reimburse me?
                im sure there are more holes in your post but this is a start


                • #68
                  Originally posted by TEAMJACOB View Post
                  feel free to point out where you were going to help with out charging me? will you call me a liar when the audio is posted? Make sure you post the whole converstaion, not just want you want people to hear also i already have every pm from you and to you printed and organized in chronological order that i can post up.
                  pming or calling me and working this out > than saying " nuh uh, he's lying"

                  also read the thread, this has to do with dowel pins not short blocks

                  I dont trust anything you say, look at my proof of you black mailing me, lyning on post, trying to sale a car that is got problems, for me that ends my help and trust of what you say is the problem
                  How bout this

                  Originally posted by TEAMJACOB
                  Originally posted by
                  We need to get the car apart to see what is wrong with it, As far as help like I said before we will work with you to help but since this is not something we built, balance, (the motor) There will be a charge.
                  This is my last post
                  True Street MotorSports
                  901 N McDonald St Suite 100
                  McKinney TX 75069

                  Shop 972.542.9886
                  Fax 972. 542.9879

                  Nitrous Refills $4lb


                  • #69
                    I was waiting to here the other side of the story............................... I think you should add a poll now.

                    I will have to side with Truestreet on this one. If he was not 100 percent sure what was wrong with the engine then how could he tell you if he could warranty the work. The big problem is you bringing him the short block which left questions on what could be wrong. Had Truestreet provided the short block build I bet he would have pulled it down no problem, but since he did not he was just letting you know that there may be charges if it was the short block.

                    I have never had any dealings with them so this is my un biased opinion. Like others have stated though, I try and do all my own work just so there is no question. For some reason when I work on my own stuff there is a lot more attention to detail then any shop I have ever taken anything to.
                    Whos your Daddy?


                    • #70

                      ....I have nothing to add or have any horse in this race. I have a mutual friend that is friends with the guys over at TS, and I'll take his word that they are a good crew.


                      • #71
                        Originally posted by View Post
                        How bout this

                        This is my last post
                        because you know you are wrong. i dont see the blackmail thing? you dont want to be in this conversation because you are wrong. i asked where did you say you will help me without charging me? i will post the whole thing in its entirety as well as segments for those who dont want to listen for 30 minutes

                        so if i drive the car up there will you reimburse me?


                        • #72
                          The problem is very simple here. Truestreet is for team Edward.
                          2010 F-350 6.4L SRW CC 4X4

                          Spartan tunes, 5 inch flo-pro, 4 inch down pipe, cold side piping, AFE stage 2 CAI, EGR delete, Air Dog II

                          2012 Mustang 5.0 GT Stock........for now.


                          • #73
                            Originally posted by TEAMJACOB View Post
                            because you know you are wrong. i dont see the blackmail thing? you dont want to be in this conversation because you are wrong. i asked where did you say you will help me without charging me? i will post the whole thing in its entirety as well as segments for those who dont want to listen for 30 minutes

                            so if i drive the car up there will you reimburse me?
                            It seems pretty clear to me that Clint said he would tear it down, if it was their fault, take care of it at no charge, if it wasn't, you would be charged.
                            Interested in being a VIP member and donating to the site? Click here


                            • #74
                              Interested in being a VIP member and donating to the site? Click here


                              • #75
                                Originally posted by Mach1 View Post
                                It seems pretty clear to me that Clint said he would tear it down, if it was their fault, take care of it at no charge, if it wasn't, you would be charged.
                                let me post up a recording and not him just calling me a liar. it'll be up in a couple minutes. he said "the cost of doing business is the cost of doing business" and "he is not some good ol boy shade tree mechanic" so it was going to cost. the first 2 will be segments but the last will be the whole thing

