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Plexiglass forward facing scoops

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  • Plexiglass forward facing scoops

    Does anyone locally build the forward facing plexiglass scoops that mount to the carburetor? Tossing around ideas and I need a functional scoop for my 2.5" cowl hood. I have an 85 gt and the carb is touching the hood. It's a drag car, so some forced induction would help. Thanks for any ideas or help. Jeff

  • #2
    I've never worked on a car before, but I'm willing to give it a shot.



    • #3
      Pm me your number and I will give you a call. Wanting to try and get something done and take the car out next weekend, weather permitting. Thanks


      • #4
        Half of history is hiding the past.


        • #5
          Does it have to be made of plexiglass?
          THE BAD HOMBRE


          • #6
            What can you make it out of ?


            • #7
              A loaf of bread.


              • #8
                I'm glad some of you think you are so funny. If you don't have a reply that has a point, just don't post it. I posted this to keep my money local.


                • #9
                  Fine, do you want it to have contour or just a box? How thick do you want the plexi to be? What is your budget? Did you mean fiberglass? To build a basic plexi scoop can be done with basic materials easily found in the DFW. Plexi is sold everywhere, make a template out of cardboard, take your measurments to wherever you are going to buy the plexi (buy 1/4") and have them do the basic cuts. There is a special adhesive that will permanently bond the plexi and is strong, I think you can get it at allied plastic. For any additional cuts use a bandsaw or a fine tooth blade on a jig saw.


                  • #10
                    Thanks I appreciate the help. It does not have to be plexi, I was just throwing around some ideas. Probably just a basic box would work. It could be fairly small as well.


                    • #11

                      When the government pays, the government controls.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by BBC85GT View Post
                        Thanks I appreciate the help. It does not have to be plexi, I was just throwing around some ideas. Probably just a basic box would work. It could be fairly small as well.
                        I went and looked at some examples, I'm assuming you want to mount directly to the carb? A heat gun, lexan or plexi, silicone, and some rivets and you can do it, just take your time. For the bottom plate that mounts to the carb, I would go to 1/2" or 3/4".


                        • #13
                          I'm debating mounting to hood and building something from the carb to hood to direct the air flow. Not sure what would work better and look cleaner.

