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Window tint removal Q

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  • Window tint removal Q

    What works best to remove OLD window tint? I need to remove the tint on a car I just got running and the tint is coming off in tiny pieces. Is there anything that will dissolve old tint? Or am I going to be forced to scrap it off with a razor blade and scratch the hell out of my windows?

  • #2
    A fabric steamer makes the job much easier.


    • #3
      When I had to do this on one of my cars, I pulled off as much as I could. I then sprayed Windex on it to keep it wet and scraped off the glue residue with a razor blade without scratching the glass.


      • #4
        This stuff is so old it's coming apart in tiny pieces instead of pealing off. I was hoping there was some kind of spray remover. If I can get it down to just the glue residue I'll be good to go.


        • #5
          I had a window start to bubble. Tint guy didn't want to charge me for just one window. Told me to get regular old 409 cleaning spray . Spray window really well. Cover with a,trash bag or plastic. Come back in bout a hour.

          I let it sit for a couple hours. Almost just wiped off
          Non tapatalk Sig so the butt hurt va-JJs can stop crying about not being able to turn it off.


          • #6
            Steam is the best way. It peels away with most of the glue as well. $20 hand held made short work of my truck. Hell, I'll loan you mine if you want.


            • #7
              Thanks for the offer but I'm in Cleburne so by the time I drove to your house to borrow it and drove back I could probably buy a steamer. I'll try the 409 and if that doesn't work then I'll buy a steamer.


              • #8
                Originally posted by BadGN1 View Post
                Steam is the best way. It peels away with most of the glue as well. $20 hand held made short work of my truck. Hell, I'll loan you mine if you want.
                ^^^ this.

                installers at my work use this method to take window tint off.
                HD Parts


                • #9
                  Originally posted by petyweestraw View Post
                  I had a window start to bubble. Tint guy didn't want to charge me for just one window. Told me to get regular old 409 cleaning spray . Spray window really well. Cover with a,trash bag or plastic. Come back in bout a hour.

                  I let it sit for a couple hours. Almost just wiped off
                  Same method as above but Simple Green works too. Spray on liberally, cover with a single layer trash bag and allow to sit in the sun for 1-2 hours. Keep in mind that if the glue gets on the window felt your windows will collect dirt fast. Take the door panel off when removing window tint to avoid future problems.
                  Last edited by Stangs 4 Life; 11-20-2012, 12:25 AM. Reason: clarification

