Okay so since I got the the 94 GT I have been fighting a few things and I'm hoping yall can help me out with it.
The car is a Bone Stock 94 GT 5 speed. The only upgrades are a Hypertech Chip and a 4 Core Aluminum Radiator and a B&M Shifter.
It was running rough and wanting to die after coming off a rev. I went to the Zone and had the codes checked. It came back with:
Misfire in Cylinder #8
Bad EGR Valve (I have since found that the EGR system was removed and blocked off)
Vacuum Leak on Left Bank
I was told to pull and take pics of the #8 plug on another forum so i did and got this:

I went ahead and replaced all the plugs and they were all a mirror image of the #8 plug I took a pic of, so what does this mean?
Then I was driving and learnt that if I push in the clutch and gave it a little tap before the revs came down it would not die when I stopped. It still idles rough but stays running.
Today I checked the water and oil before I ran into town and found that the oil looked fine but after I pulled the Rad cap I found this:

So what do you guys think about all of this? It does run rough at Idle but at full throttle it seems to have full power.
The car is a Bone Stock 94 GT 5 speed. The only upgrades are a Hypertech Chip and a 4 Core Aluminum Radiator and a B&M Shifter.
It was running rough and wanting to die after coming off a rev. I went to the Zone and had the codes checked. It came back with:
Misfire in Cylinder #8
Bad EGR Valve (I have since found that the EGR system was removed and blocked off)
Vacuum Leak on Left Bank
I was told to pull and take pics of the #8 plug on another forum so i did and got this:

I went ahead and replaced all the plugs and they were all a mirror image of the #8 plug I took a pic of, so what does this mean?
Then I was driving and learnt that if I push in the clutch and gave it a little tap before the revs came down it would not die when I stopped. It still idles rough but stays running.
Today I checked the water and oil before I ran into town and found that the oil looked fine but after I pulled the Rad cap I found this:

So what do you guys think about all of this? It does run rough at Idle but at full throttle it seems to have full power.