ok so since my last post about the volt meter and the gas gauge going all hay wire when the car is turned on i have pulled the gauge cluster and tested the wire harness that connects to the cluter itself, (http://www.stangnet.com/tech/cluster87-93.pdf) i put a volt meter to the #4 pin then the #14 to the ground and i got a constant 12.something volts, i did the same thing with #7 and the #14 to ground and got around the same volts. i then turned the car on and repeted the steps and got a constant 11.something volts to each one of the pins... so with that being said, the likely cause of the problem is a faulty instrument cluster regulator right?? i just dont want to drive all the way over to 50resto then pay 100 dollars for nothing
ok hooked the volt meter to the instrument cluster regulator, and is it suppost to hold volts? had it set on 200m on the meter and i could see the numbers on the meter drop every second i left the metter hooked up to the regulator, hooked it up to these 3 spots
ok hooked the volt meter to the instrument cluster regulator, and is it suppost to hold volts? had it set on 200m on the meter and i could see the numbers on the meter drop every second i left the metter hooked up to the regulator, hooked it up to these 3 spots
