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putting a cam in a speed density car

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  • putting a cam in a speed density car

    if I put a cam in this car do I have to get it tuned or what do I have to do to get the idle?I was told when I put an e cam in but it wouldnt run right I've converted it to mass air .that was my old car .this car I don't want to convert it I wanna see if I can deal with the map sensor

  • #2
    I've ran an f cam in a speed density car. Only thing it affected was the fuel mixture at idle..ran pretty rich but on wot it ran great. I later converted it after sitting in traffic with my eyes burning due to the fumes.


    • #3
      You don't want to go much if any over 224 duration. 218 is really about all I would go. The most critical part of the equation is that the LSA must be 114º or greater. YOu could do 112º but the duration would need to be in the 204-212 range.


      • #4
        Put an E cam in an 88 would barely we converted it to MASS air and it ran perfect!

