My buddy has a yellow 96 that has the flat ones. I'm not sire why some did and some didn't. If it makes your decision any easier, I pull way more wool them him. Might be the side skirts or it may just be me, but I wouldn't take any chances.
See why i asked? I couldn't find anything concrete either. I found some white ones and what ever they are, I guess i'll go with them.
I consider myself to be an SN95 guru since they are my favorite and even I didn't know that there were two styles. Whatever style you get, I doubt anyone is going to notice.
My buddy has a yellow 96 that has the flat ones. I'm not sire why some did and some didn't. If it makes your decision any easier, I pull way more wool them him. Might be the side skirts or it may just be me, but I wouldn't take any chances.
Originally posted by Nash B.
Damn, man. Sorry to hear that. If it'll cheer you up, Geor swallows. And even if it doesn't cheer you up, it cheers him up.