Working on brodix heads, Anderson cam, eddy intake, long tubes x pipe, k member, rear control arms, 31 spline diff (4.10 or 3.73), shocks struts and drag springs. If budget allows some body work I'll sport a primer beast.
Mike, I wasn't implying that it was a hard job nor that it couldn't be done easily, just that engine removal from the Mark is much different from engine removal from the Stang....if you are taking care not to break things and label them so you can easily determine where everything goes or reuse. Removing the bottom exhaust manifold bolts on the drivers side of the Mark so that the engine can come out the top is a total bitch of a job.
R & R of the Mustang longblock with another engine already out of the car should easily be accomplished up and running in a weekend....maybe even in one good day.
Why take the time to remove the exhaust bolts off the manifold if your not going to reuse them ? I simply took a cutting wheel to it had the mark engine out in about 1.5 hours ... You just have to be determined and focused the entire swap could be done in a hard days work .......
Let me get my h/c/I done and we will race since you want to so bad, and my busted strut tower car will drag your topless cars ass.
so you are "racing" something you dont have? i have sitting right here in front of me on the floor an r/c car that would outrun your pride and joy. and by outrun, i mean really hurt your wittle feelings.