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need a reliable tranny shop in frisco/lewisville area

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  • need a reliable tranny shop in frisco/lewisville area

    2001 4x4 sierra
    for a friend
    he would like a respectable shop that wont bend him over and give some kind of warranty..

    anyone suggest any local tranny shops or know a "guy" who actually knows what he is doing?

    He might be able to travel a little further but it needs to stay in dallas

  • #2
    Reliable, respectable, a warranty, and not getting bent over at a tranny shop? You're dreaming aren't you? There is no such thing sir!

    There are a couple of board members who can fix you up. Mike Magee's name comes up often and seems like a solid individual. A search will probably yield his contact information.


    • #3
      Another vote for Mike, he's a very nice guy and can build a trans that will take alot of abuse and keep ticking.
      I Liked my 4R70W so much i had him build a C4 to go in my other car.
      1990 GT


      • #4
        I've yet to see an automatic that was rebuilt either be reliable or last any decent amount of time. I've had much better luck with GreenLeaf products than rebuilding shit.


        • #5
          Originally posted by FreightTrain View Post
          I've yet to see an automatic that was rebuilt either be reliable or last any decent amount of time. I've had much better luck with GreenLeaf products than rebuilding shit.
          Maybe your getting your shit built at the wrong place ?
          Awwwwww skeet skeet skeet
          03gt intech POWA!


          • #6
            This guy isn't in Lewisville, but Armstrongs transmission in Forney. He built my turbo 350 in 06 and she hasn't stopped pulling yet. My neighbor told me about him and his truck is still going strong since 2003. (4l60E) pm if you want his number.


            • #7
              Originally posted by 03shadow4v View Post
              Maybe your getting your shit built at the wrong place ?
              Kinda sounds that way.
              1990 GT


              • #8
                Plano Automatic Transmission. They have rebuilt a number of transmissions for my family.


                • #9
                  Reliable transmission builders are hard to come by. We (the shop) have tried everybody in the denton area and have gotten screwed over by every single place.

                  Good luck!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by FreightTrain View Post
                    I've yet to see an automatic that was rebuilt either be reliable or last any decent amount of time. I've had much better luck with GreenLeaf products than rebuilding shit.
                    You should complain to the transmission re-builders union.


                    • #11
                      Wilson auto in Gainesville. He's far from you, but he builds excellent trannys for a really low rate
                      Originally posted by Buzzo
                      Some dudes jump out of airplanes, I fuck hookers without condoms.



                      • #12
                        Originally posted by FreightTrain View Post
                        I've yet to see an automatic that was rebuilt either be reliable or last any decent amount of time. I've had much better luck with GreenLeaf products than rebuilding shit.
                        Greenleaf isn't around any more, it's LKQ now. Most of the big transmission shops don't build anything these days, they just resell from places like Certified or ETE. Honestly I'd call your local Chevrolet dealer and see what they'll sell a "GM" reman for, find a Jasper dealer and then call LKQ and see who has the best price and warranty. Install labor will be 8 hours or so. Being a 4wd it's not something most people can do in their driveway.

