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Exploder mpg question

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  • Exploder mpg question

    99 Eddie Bauer 2wd 5.0 v8 with 146k miles. I filled up yesterday and it appears my mpg went to shit. I've gone 59 miles today and got an average of 13mpg where in the Past I have gotten 15.5 mpg city and 17-18 highway. Yesterday was majority highway going from training site to training site. I just changed the oil Monday (10w30 syn). Filled up at racetrack yesterday 87 octane. Any known issues with my suv just losing mpg all of a sudden? Thanks.

  • #2
    Don't worry yet. Sorry assed excuse for fuel may be the problem! An "over mix" of Alky will do it. as well as, several other factors.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Tannerm View Post
      .!!{ Filled up at racetrack yesterday 87 octane}!!. .
      This right here is the prime suspect.
      -Before I landed the Fort Worth F.D. job, I lived in Dallas, worked in Irving. There was a RaceTrack 1/2 way in, and I would stop and gas up on the way home. This was an 83 Monte Carlo. Car slowly began running like crap. Tuned it, even pulled the Quadrajet twice to rebuild, kept running worse. One day I was in a time crunch, stopped off at a Texaco for gas. Started running better on the way home. Two tanks of Texaco or Shell and it was back to normal.
      -My wife used to have a 90 Accord. I could always tell when she was using RaceTrack instead of good gas. She finally conceeded once her daily was an Envoy with the digital instant and average MPG.

      I won't even use Racetrack gas in my lawn mower.


      • #4
        for what it's worth my mom had a 98 4x4 4.0 sohc explorer and that thing never got better than 13mpg city 15.5mpg highway. Go Big Red!


        • #5
          Well, I'm going back to shell! This has been the best DD I ever owned. She deserves better juice then racetrack. I was on fumes yesterday and was closest gas station I had. Thx all.


          • #6
            Tan , that truck was always run on Shell the whole time I owned it . Just an FYI . I have also had bad gas from off brand stations in the past so I always shoot for the Shell .
            Big Rooster Racing


            • #7
              I have a 2000 5.0 Mountaineer w/183k on it. I get 14mpg around town and almost 20mpg on the road, even w/3.73's (towing package). Do a really good tune-up on it. Plugs, wires, etc. Mine did the same thing and never felt like it was running poorly, but the plugs were done.

              By the way, I LOVE my truck and will find another 2000/2001 when this one shits the bed. Hard to beat the old 5.0's for reliability and simplicity.


              • #8
                You know odd you should mention this. I filled my Jeep up at racetrack the other day and it is running like shit too. Just random missing. I noticed it did this a couple of months ago also but just chalked it up to it being grouchy. Filled up with shell in between the two and it ran perfect. HUH. I guess thats the discount, cheaper fuel. I always knew when they changed the diesel blend for winter that stuff is worse but maybe the different stations have issues too I guess.
                Whos your Daddy?


                • #9
                  Good call. Jim this was never mentioned in the agreement. I want my Torino GT back.


                  • #10
                    It's been pretty windy? lol


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by KWClutch View Post
                      It's been pretty windy? lol
                      lol no... Part of the prob was the caravan I was in yesterday going from training site to training site. Plus all my dang gear I was luggin around didnt help things. Today, i was good to go with an average of 15.2 mpg to and from work. I saw a 18 mpg at one point omw to work so I was happy. Crappy gas plus trying to keep up with the rest of the group did not help things!


                      • #12
                        my 91 with the 4.0 and 5spd just hauked down 20mpg this afternoon driving to and from dallas. im pretty happy. anybody know what gears my car came with?


                        • #13
                          Fo fi six


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Tannerm View Post
                            Fo fi six
                            Whos your Daddy?


                            • #15
                              So what do you guys consider QT gas to be ? Shitty, decent, or on par with Shell?
                              Rachel McAdams nude pics

