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MSD Distributor advance sticking

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  • MSD Distributor advance sticking

    I have the MSD Billet Dist with mechanical advance. I have been fighting some idle issues. I can get the car to a great idle around 900-950. Then when I drive it, the idle will go up to around 1200-1300. I pull over, pull off the dist cap, twist on the rotor a few times manually advancing and letting go, and then restart. The idle is back down. The advance is sticking.

    I have replaced the springs (1 blue, 1 silver), weights, and the pads. What else could be causing this. When I manually turn the rotor, nothing is bound up and it rebounds like it should.

    The car is a 306, TW heads, VJ intake 5 spd.


    1986 GT

  • #2
    I would recommend taking a timing light with you on a test drive. start and idle the car normal, check the timing with the vacuum removed and line plugged, drive the car still with the line plugged so vacuum advance won't give a false reading. When the car has high idle check the timing and see if it's got more timing than before. This will confirm you have a mechanical problem and possibly not a vacuum related timing problem.


    • #3
      Originally posted by shumpertdavid View Post
      I would recommend taking a timing light with you on a test drive. start and idle the car normal, check the timing with the vacuum removed and line plugged, drive the car still with the line plugged so vacuum advance won't give a false reading. When the car has high idle check the timing and see if it's got more timing than before. This will confirm you have a mechanical problem and possibly not a vacuum related timing problem.
      He has the MSD #8582 dist. it is mechanical advance no vacuum. He has replaced the weights and springs and it still sticks. Dave it is definitely sticking at 29 degrees i can pull the one out of my motor if you want to be sure and check it but most definitely your gonna need a dizzy bud! lmk


      • #4
        Originally posted by fordracer2 View Post
        He has the MSD #8582 dist. it is mechanical advance no vacuum. He has replaced the weights and springs and it still sticks. Dave it is definitely sticking at 29 degrees i can pull the one out of my motor if you want to be sure and check it but most definitely your gonna need a dizzy bud! lmk
        I might take you up on trying yours. I am not sure if MSD can fix mine or if I should just get a new one. The stuck advance would explain the hard to set idle and the driveability issues.

        1986 GT


        • #5
          Originally posted by Fst86gt View Post
          I might take you up on trying yours. I am not sure if MSD can fix mine or if I should just get a new one. The stuck advance would explain the hard to set idle and the driveability issues.
          I would get a new one $232.92 in jegs or call High performance world. They brag about matching Jegs and Summit prices that would save you $13 in shipping charges and a two day wait! You could get one used on line but thats a gamble.
          Last edited by fordracer2; 12-05-2010, 04:21 PM.


          • #6
            I sent HPW a PM to get a price on one. That way I can have it this week. I might call MSD on Monday and see what they say. They will prob want me to send it in and I am not sure I want to get into that. I can hear them now. "Yep, it's broke". Then they will want to charge me to look at it.

            1986 GT


            • #7
              I called MSD and they said it needed to be rebuilt. $112

              If they only rebuild and not change any specs, I can't see how that would help.

              Does anyone else have any ideas?

              1986 GT


              • #8
                IT's a VERY easy fix. Dont send it back unless you just want to spend money and wait to get it back.

                Take it apart. The inner and outer shaft are sticking together from who knows what.

                Take the inner completely out - chuck it up in a drill, lathe etc, and clean it with emory cloth. Look down the outer and make sure it's clean and burr free..



                • #9
                  Oh, and see sig.


                  • #10
                    I went ahead and sent it to MSD. They do a complete rebuild for 112. It is 13 years old.

                    Tech said it is getting hot and binding somewhere. If anyone has any other suggestions let me know.

                    1986 GT


                    • #11

                      I found my issue and solution here in case anyone else is having the same issue. A rebuild includes a new gear installed by MSD so I should be good to go.

                      I've got a msd pro billet distributor, msd6al , super conductor wires blaster coil its not advancing at all Ive tried changing to heavy springs and the button moves and springs back like it should but it doesnt move at all when you rev it it stays all advanced what gives?

                      1986 GT


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Fst86gt View Post
                        I went ahead and sent it to MSD. They do a complete rebuild for 112. It is 13 years old.

                        Tech said it is getting hot and binding somewhere. If anyone has any other suggestions let me know.
                        I have had several #8285s and have not ran into this problem. I have wired the dizzy backwards before lol. Some how it was making my timing control advance the timing when the nos was activated. Glad i did not spray it that day. Good luck Dave.


                        • #13
                          I really think the gear was put on wrong when the motor was built. Can't wait to get it back and try it out.

                          1986 GT

