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Need Turbo Compressor Cover Polished
There are some real crackheads in a storage unit near painless wiring over off beach that polish. Cash is king. They are cheap and fast and do a surprisingly good job.
After I get mine started and ensure everything is working right I am going to pull it down and have everything either polished, coated etc.Fuck you. We're going to Costco.
Originally posted by Cooter View PostL
if you can polish a factory compressor housing with that, I'll kiss your ass
O/P If I were you, I'd have it polished out, then powdercoat clear over it, if you can find one that will 1) actually be clear (they're usually tinted a bit after baking) and 2) won't bake off from the hot side of the turbo.
Originally posted by racrguy View PostRight! It's the bare sand cast so you'll have to sand it down. Once that is done down to ~2k grit you MIGHT be able to use a powerball type item, but odds are you're going to need jewlers rouge and a buffing wheel. I polish parts on my car after every event, and it's a huge pain in the dick to keep it looking good, and that's even after it's already a polished finish.
O/P If I were you, I'd have it polished out, then powdercoat clear over it, if you can find one that will 1) actually be clear (they're usually tinted a bit after baking) and 2) won't bake off from the hot side of the turbo.
Originally posted by turbostang View Postor.. just sand it close to perfect as if you were to polish it - then ceramic coat it.
Originally posted by turbostang View Postor.. just sand it close to perfect as if you were to polish it - then ceramic coat it.03 Dark Shadow Grey Mach1
yeah, raw polished aluminum will look like shit pretty quickly... clear coat yellows with age/heat
but ceramic looks really nice