Picking up a coupe today. I have no plans on how to get it home. Just thought i'd ask
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anyone wanna trailer a car from crandall to ftw
Ok just called uhaul. The car dolly is 50 bucks. Not bad. 8've never towed anything myself. Some obstacles I'm trying to overcome is the fact that I've seen numerous pics but not seen the car in person so I don't want someone to come help me and I not end up getting it. So vadertt lewisville is big hike for you to be on stand by right? Mustang289 I'm sending pm now
Oh my god damn jebus motha effer. I just got the best deal ever. It wasn't running as of 3 or 4 days ago so he dropped the price signifcantly. Based on what he was saying it was doing I stopped in seagonville and bought a starter solinoid for 13 bucks. Looked the coupe over and not one single dent or ding what so ever. Interior is a 9.9999 out of 10 holy shit. Decided regardless of what was wrong it was still a hell of a deal so did the deal and signed the title. I asked if I could tinker with it for a bit and he offered to help. 5 minutes later I pull out the starter solinoid that was literally split in two and duct taped, swappedin the new one and she started right the fuck up. Damn I'm on cloud nine right now heading back