So it turns out the motor I picked up is a 72'.
So that makes it a non-roller motor.
Still trying to find out if it's a Mexican Block or not.
I have a Trick Flow Stage 1 cam I picked up off here. Turns out it isn't just a swap for me.
Which would be Better performance wise: getting parts to make make cam work, or getting a new cam that will slide right in.
It's a stock low compression motor with Torque II intake, 600cfm Holly, and will see a 125-150 shot running through a C4.
So that makes it a non-roller motor.
Still trying to find out if it's a Mexican Block or not.
I have a Trick Flow Stage 1 cam I picked up off here. Turns out it isn't just a swap for me.
Which would be Better performance wise: getting parts to make make cam work, or getting a new cam that will slide right in.
It's a stock low compression motor with Torque II intake, 600cfm Holly, and will see a 125-150 shot running through a C4.