The studs were so rusted the egr plate was stuck to them.
Tb has cracked IACV passages.
The rust tells me it's been leaking for a while, and I guess when I took it off and replaced the gasket it may have exposed new cracks and caused it not to fit right.
I'm going to change both egr and tb gasket. I have a extra stock throttle body. I'm going to check the oil again and make sure there is no water in it. Top it off with fresh anti-freeze and check the plugs.
Hopefully it was just a coolant flush and steam cleaned cylinders.
What else should I do or check? I lost my compression gauge in the fire. So I'll have to rent or borrow one.
I'm north of Denton. We have a guage set at the zone for rent I'll use. So I can get this heap running before school tomorrow. I should be able to do it.
grab you a can of mass cleaner from work and service the sensor, it can affect the running greatly. Look for the sensor to have a fuzzy build up or be really black. When clean the sensor will be a little cylinder shape and mostly a white/clear color. As far as running the tank low and picking up trash, the pump pulls fuel from the bottom of the tank all the time. It doesn't move up and down with fuel level so I don't think you'll be picking up anymore trash with a lower tank rather than full. Moisture or water is heavier than fuel so it always sits at the bottom of the tank. The main think affected by lower fuel is the fuel pump itself. It uses the fuel it's submerged in to keep it cool. If you constantly run the tank low to empty then you can overheat the pump and shorten its lifespan. Given you recently replaced the pump(and I assume filter) I would expect there to be a problem there unless the pump just crapped out.
what plug wires did you put on with new plugs? Sounds like its down a cylinder or two on power. Just to verify, check continuity thru ALL the plug wires and even the cap to coil wire. I had hell tracking a mis down after something similar on a STOCK 88 speed denisty coupe. Ended up being a bad set of Ford Racing Plug wires out of the box. At night you could open the hood and it was like fourth of july. You could literally see in all the plug wires the spark travel from the distributor and ground out inside the plug wire. I pulled the few problem plug wires off. While checking continuity I started bending the wires. Sure enough they lost resistance.