well dude i cant see for shit at night and they help me avoid hitting pot holes and stupid shit. I think its more about how they are adjusted. Plus i think they look keewwwll and your just a homo for not liking them. I also have a 4 ft tall spoiler that keeps the car down in speeds excess of 73.2 mph
Just so you guys know. They are a very legit company. I have their hids on my truck and have fir over a year. They work just fine. I had a slight issue due to the computer controlled headlights and they sent out a capacitor harness the day I emailed them. No problems since then. I recommend them if you want a kit. It's the same Chinese kit everyone else is selling. Their customer service is worth the extra couple bucks over ddm.
Oh. You can also get a relay harness on eBay for $10 shipped. You cant put one together yourself for that.
Those are fine, as long as (very important) you use the relay harness with the kit.
I will have to agree with you on that, I highly recommend installing relays on headlights if they are not installed from OEM with stock halogens. I have already installed three relays (lows, highs, and Hi 4) on my truck before the HIDs because my truck (93 Silverado) does not have a single relay for the headlights and the switch provides all the power to the lights and eventually fries the switch.
These aftermarket kits are annoying as fuck. Seems like so many people are putting these on their trucks or car's and blinds the fuck out of me.
Had a truck earlier looked like the 12000k ones, bright as fuck and just plain fucking stupid, had them in the fog lights too.
If you can't afford a car that comes factory with HID's then don't mess with them. When you see a decent car that comes with them from the factory you will see they don't blind people yet still display a brilliant light.
Most of them are annoying as hell but its the ones with the 6000K and above colors. You have to remember, a lot of cars were not setup for HIDs as you think they were when HIDs first came out. I know some of the older Nissans, Infinitys, Toyotas, Cadillacs, Lincoln Navigators, etc were equipped with HIDs but were not properly setup. It's no different then installing HIDs in a Halogen equipped vehicle. Its pretty much about the aiming of lights and the color that makes a difference. Just have to aim the lights low and its great for the owner and other drivers.
True. I've been running a set of HID's in my 2003 Mustang since '04, and I've never been flashed by oncoming drivers or cited by police for "illegal" headlights that are "blinding" anyone.
Had a truck earlier looked like the 12000k ones, bright as fuck and just plain fucking stupid, had them in the fog lights too.
If you can't afford a car that comes factory with HID's then don't mess with them. When you see a decent car that comes with them from the factory you will see they don't blind people yet still display a brilliant light.
The higher color temp does not equal a brighter light. 12000k lights look purple/pink.
I have 6000K lights in my truck and they just off white towards blue. My brother has 5000K in his Avalanche and they are close to pure white. I have driven towards both vehicles at night and never felt blinded by the light. The 5000K
I actually used to get flashed for hi-beams(when running my low beams) more with the stock halogen bulbs than I do with the HID bulbs installed.
I ordered a set of 5k's for my mustang and 2000 cummins. The truck isn't bad stock, but the mustang has smoked lamps in it. As much as I like the smoked look, I hate how horrible the lights are at night. When I get the motor back in and am able to drive it regularly, I'll put a set of cobra headlamps in if the hid's don't help the smoked lamps any. I wanted to order a set for my gsxr but held off to see how the others worked out.
I have 6k on my car, I might switch to the 4500k or even 5000k, it seems that those gove a brighter light, even though the 6K's are pretty bright.
Originally posted by Silverback
Look all you want, she can't find anyone else who treats her as bad as I do, and I keep her self esteem so low, she wouldn't think twice about going anywhere else.
You'll get pulled over with 12K lights, they are really purple. And the higher you go over 4,300K, the less lumens the lights put out. 4300K is the brightest light, which is why they're used in cars with factory HIDs.
A relay should not be necessary with a HID kit as they are lower wattage than factory halogens. The cheaper HID kits are 35W, factory halogens are 55W. They draw much less power, and last way longer.