Fuel Safe? Mustang racing fuel cells are available for both late model (Fox Body 1980 – 2004) and early model Mustang vehicles. Our late model fuel cells were designed in conjunction with Ford and will accommodate both solid axle and IRS rear end setups. Fuel Safe’s? early Mustang fuel cells are available in 16 and 22
Not sure what all you are looking for as far as info goes. I know that when I was looking at one of their cells, they were pretty damn high $$.
Fuel Safe? Mustang racing fuel cells are available for both late model (Fox Body 1980 – 2004) and early model Mustang vehicles. Our late model fuel cells were designed in conjunction with Ford and will accommodate both solid axle and IRS rear end setups. Fuel Safe’s? early Mustang fuel cells are available in 16 and 22
Not sure what all you are looking for as far as info goes. I know that when I was looking at one of their cells, they were pretty damn high $$.
Those are all alum tanks! Mine is not! Thats my question I cant find any info on a non alum tank. There $1,500-2000k
If its the poly tank, it's the FuelSafe SA110C and they run about $700 new. Its a replacement for Fox and SN Mustangs. The blatters have to be replaced every few years too.
If its the poly tank, it's the FuelSafe SA110C and they run about $700 new. Its a replacement for Fox and SN Mustangs. The blatters have to be replaced every few years too.
Honestly, you could use it in a street car I guess but what the companies charge to renew/replace the bladders, you might as well buy a new one and make the old one into garage art.
SCCA and NASA are requiring replacement/recert every 5 years.