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Can this car recover from a previous users error?

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  • Can this car recover from a previous users error?

    This car has hit a pole. I'm having trouble getting the passenger side door to close but the hinges look out of adjustment and it needs new door pins. I cant find any wrinkles in the firewall area or under the car or on the frame rail. To me it looks like the damage is contained to the radiator support and the area just before the strut tower. Can I take any measurements to find out how bad this is or do I need to take it to a frame shop?
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  • #2


    • #3
      looks ok..sure, itll take some work, but not impossible
      Ring and pinion specialist


      • #4
        Its going to need a clip job but it can be repaired.


        • #5
          Originally posted by thesource View Post
          Its going to need a clip job but it can be repaired.
          What is a "Clip job?" I've been working on it with the BFH and the rope-tree tool. Its getting close to the drivers side measurements. I'm thinking I can massage it pretty close then weld up the split. It doesnt have to be perfect as this is just gonna be a beater car. The main thing is to make sure the frame isnt tweaked and that the fender/bumper/headlights/grille all fit back on it.

          I need fairmont front shit if any of y'all have some let me know.

