The emergency brake is engaged. Either the handle is pulled up or the adjuster needs to be backed off. Plus the guide for the adjuster wire is not inserted into the brake shoe so your adjuster boot is riding too low.
The emergency brake is engaged. Either the handle is pulled up or the adjuster needs to be backed off. Plus the guide for the adjuster wire is not inserted into the brake shoe so your adjuster boot is riding too low.
The emergency brake is engaged. Either the handle is pulled up or the adjuster needs to be backed off. Plus the guide for the adjuster wire is not inserted into the brake shoe so your adjuster boot is riding too low.
I have been playing with the adjuster screw and that has helped. The handle is down. I don't think I am following you on your third sentence.
Looks like the rod seperating the two shoes just below the wheel cylinder is not in right and causing a shoe to be pushed out. Orrrrr you need to compress the little shoes into the wheel cylinder a little harder.
Well, I screwed this all up. LOL I was working on getting the car to start (bad fuel filter) and hit the brake pedal when I finally got it started. I looked back and the wheel cylinder was busted open and fluid was everywhere. I guess I am just going to have to start from scratch.
I don't remember drums being this hard to deal with.
You may not want to here this nowww but last time I just changed a wheel cylinder on a car I cheated. I unhooked the two springs at the top and the little cable. Then I just grabbed the shoes at the top and pulled them apart. Replaced the cylinder, slapped both shoes back together at the top, attached the cable and springs and I was done. Just for next time. Also did you grease up your adjuster at the bottom. If I am pulling that piece I will take it apart, clean it good, then grease the threads up and put it back together. It is very important that it turns easy. Just a light coat of grease on the threads.
Well, I screwed this all up. LOL I was working on getting the car to start (bad fuel filter) and hit the brake pedal when I finally got it started. I looked back and the wheel cylinder was busted open and fluid was everywhere. I guess I am just going to have to start from scratch.
I don't remember drums being this hard to deal with.
Yea they are a pain in the ass. It takes longer to jack the car up than it does to change disc brakes.
This is where I think you have a problem. Both the shoe and e brake should be seated further in. Either its flipped backwards or not lined up right. May be just the pic but not the first time I have seen this issue. For some reason they just are hard to line up some times.