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V-Band Clamps

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  • V-Band Clamps

    Anywhere relatively local to the Plano/Allen area carry v-band clamps? I need either a 3" or a 3-1/2". I need to confirm what size it is. The downpipe on a B&G kit is 3-1/2", but the flange on the Masterpower MPT-70 is 3" I believe. Anyways, WHERE CAN I FIND ONE?

  • #2
    truck supply

    I would take the flange with you. There are a LOT of different flange assemblies in any given diameter


    • #3
      I'm guessing I could just bring the old clamp right? The aluminum nut is starting to bugger up the bolt threads/ gall (sp?) them up. Don't want to remove it until I know I have a replacement.


      • #4
        Able truck parts over off of Plano Pkwy


        • #5
          Cool. Thanks.


          • #6
            That's hilarious... it's less than a mile from my office! LOL! NICE! I pulled the old one off tonight and got the part #'s and all that from it. I'll bring it and cross my fingers that they have an off-the-shelf replacement.


            • #7
              they might not have it in stock, but they'll usually get it within a day or so


              • #8
                I bought stuff like that a long time ago from an Able Truck Supply off of Spring Creek and 75 in that shopping center. I just finally threw out some old 3" and 3.5" v-band clamps.


                • #9
                  may be too late - but the MPT70 is a 3", and I think it's a nominal size. So, your clamp may actually be like a 2.875 or some shit.

                  If you were closer, I have a bunch of them.


                  • #10
                    The exact clamp number from Clampco says it's a 3.70" OD flange. They had one in stock that was pretty close, but I'm afraid the width of the clamp seat might be too wide to pull the two flanges together. I think I'm just going to order the exact same Clampco part number from a distributor online to make sure it'll work.


                    • #11
                      Yeah, that clamp's not gonna work that I bought yesterday. The width of the seat is too wide to hold the flanges together. I guess that's the apex measurement I saw on clampco's website. I went ahead and just ordered one from clampco. They raped me on the pricing too! $23 + $16 shipping! DOH!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Doug Hatton View Post
                        Yeah, that clamp's not gonna work that I bought yesterday. The width of the seat is too wide to hold the flanges together. I guess that's the apex measurement I saw on clampco's website. I went ahead and just ordered one from clampco. They raped me on the pricing too! $23 + $16 shipping! DOH!
                        why didnt you just get one from Brian?
                        Ring and pinion specialist


                        • #13
                          I called him, but wasn't able to link up. Figured it'd be faster to just bite the bullet and get it shipped. The car's down until it's replaced.


                          • #14
                            Full marmon? Half marmon? Spherical marmon? What kind of joint are you working with?

                            Depending on what you need we might have some in stock in Arlington.

